Chapter 80: Livia

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The sun had long set by the time they had reached the rocky and stone-filled path leading directly to the middle of the two mountains. Once everyone accumulated, they jumped off and, as if programmed to do so, went into designated jobs and positions, readying for the night. The camp was made within thirty minutes, food was prepared only for her over a small fire, those in need of a wash ran to the nearby river, and some took up watch in case of a surprise attack.

Livia rested her elbows on her knees, her chin relaxing within her hands, watching the fire crackle and jumping as the hearty soup simmered above it in a small black cauldron. She had no appetite but knew it was necessary to eat something no matter how she may have felt. A glass of blood was handed to her by a passing guard who did not bow or introduce himself. Once it was placed in her hands, he turned and walked away, seeming to be bothered and annoyed by the whole thing. Sipping slowly, she sighed mentally; already, the disrespect began, and it was less than twelve hours so far.

When the timing was right, eventually, the disrespect would be handled, and those around her would be reprimanded, but for now, so as to not bother Orion with such trivial things, she kept quiet and to herself. A bowl was handed to her next, and she said her thanks, to which the chef nodded, smiled, and bowed, taking his leave. Again, she was all alone. Picking at the soup, lost in thought, those around walked past her without a care in the world and did as they pleased. And the heavy, weighted cloud made itself a home above her head. Shaking her head, fighting against the depressing feeling and forcing herself to eat, ignoring all that wanted to put her down. So what if they did as they pleased? She didn't need them now, and when she would, then they'd be reminded of their place.

The bowl was empty now, and placing it on the ground next to the dying fire and chilled covered soup, without a moment to waste, she headed in search of Orion. Looking through each tent with determination, she found nothing but guards relaxing, playing games, or sleeping. There weren't very many tents to begin with. One was made further away from the rest that was created explicitly for her comfort, and she supposed he was to stay there as well, but she knew better. He'd use the excuse to work excessively, or the woods would give him his sanctuary, so without even glancing in their tent, she moved within the forest, guessing he'd be there first.

Careful not to venture too far out; the forest, at first, looked completely dark and complex. The trees had become far more sparse, with the trunks mixed matched in width and height and the ground much more wet and sticky, forcing the boots on her feet to collect more than an inch worth of the substance. The black pants darkened from the many splotches of mud, causing those spots to sink through, chilling her skin. Ignoring the growing, uncomfortable feeling, she marched on until the full moon almost blinded her.

Her hand reached up to cover the giant white orb in the dark blue-black night sky, shielding her eyes and relieving some of the ache as they adjusted from being in complete total darkness to light almost as bright and powerful as the sun. The stars, although millions present, their glow was no match for the light of the moon, were overshadowed. Glancing around, she had come to another Lake farther from the campground. At first, it was as if she were the only one there, but as her eyes adjusted more to the point she no longer needed to hold her hand up blocking the light she spotted in the distance, a large dark shadow resembled that of a person and something deep down told her to go to it. That it was Orion, the one she so desperately sought.

When she was just inches from the shadowy figure, it had long begun to morph into something recognizable. It was indeed Orion. Laying his shoulder against the rock while he was mid-trunk and his lower body was submerged in the still, calm, and dark water. His head lay back with his eyes closed, and when she had gotten close enough, he spoke.

"Don't get any closer."

His voice was deep and laced with a mixture of emotions. She froze like a doe, staring at the hunter whose arrow aimed for the heart.

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