Chapter 9 - Y/N's pov

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 I'd just finished speaking to Raine, they had agreed to speak to Hunter, and congratulated me on taking an apprentice of my own. I wouldn't exactly call Hunter my apprentice, more like a trainee who's training....with my help? I was on my way to meet with the emperor, though I moved through the corridors slowly, I wasn't sure if I would meet the monster again, or if the Emperor would try and hurt me again. I already had one scar to be ashamed of, I didn't need another. I felt a vibration from my pocket where my Penstagram scroll was. I took it from my pocket, wanting to stall. I checked my notifications, someone called 'RULERZREACHF4N' had sent me a DM and requested to follow me. I opened the DM's

RULERZREACHF4N : hEy Y/N!11!!1 itsS hU.nTer_

I smiled lightly 'He is horrible at typing' I thought to myself

I accepted his follow request, and followed him back. I noticed that his account was also private (though i was able to follow it because he was following me), but I wasn't sure why. He didn't have to hide his identity as Golden Guard. I shrugged to myself, it was none of my business, maybe he preferred it that way. I opened my DM's again, and opened my chat with hunter

(Your Username) : heyyyyyyy :]

RULERZREACHF4N : wHatt r tHe chaRacTerSs aT tHe eND?

(Your Username) : look at it sideways :]

It took a moment for him to respond, I guessed that he was looking at it.

RULERZREACHF4N : oHhHh it,S a sMiLe!!11!!!!!1


(Your Username) : yup! Also we'll meet with Raine tomorrow, I just have to talk to the emperor now.


I closed the chat and went to his profile. His profile picture was a very lopsided photo of himself, or more his forehead, it was clear he didn't know how to angle the camera. I chuckled a bit. I looked at his posts, he'd already posted a photo, it was of the creek, though the photo was crooked, it still captured the beauty of the clearing. I left a heart, the only one, and made a note to myself to feature him in a post, maybe getting him more followers or attention on the platform. Shoving the scroll back into my pocket, I realized that I was standing right in front of the throne room. The tall doors towered over me as they usually did. I slid my mask onto my face, I wasn't taking any chances this time. I knocked on the door. The few heartbeats of silence felt like they would never end, maybe the monster was still there, maybe it had k1lled the emperor.

"Come in, Y/N" the voice chilled every bone in my body. Sure it wasn't the monster, but the Emperor had also been the one to cause the scar on my face. I shook away the apprehension and pushed the door open, closing it behind me as I walked in.

The Emperor wasn't wearing his mask, and, to my relief, started the conversation for me. "I had to learn based on the gossip of scouts that my nephew had fallen into the boiling sea, is there some reason why you didn't tell me?" the statement almost seemed like a challenge, a trick question, like it would be pinned on me no matter what I said

"Well after I brought him back here, I did come to see you, but there was a sort of creature here and-" the Emperor cut me off

"Don't worry about that, its an accomplice of mine" he said

I nod

"Now what did you come here to say?" he said "Surely you aren't just here to waste...time?" I saw his hand form into something green and bladelike, that must have been what scarred me. Rage and fear shone on my face, and I was glad I was wearing my mask.

"Well?" he prompted, snapping me from my trance

"Or er- I just wanted to inform you on Hunter's training progress. I taught him to teleport with a staff, he's a natural." the emperor nodded as I spoke "I've recently been teaching him some of the Bard magic I-"

He cut me off again "Hunter doesn't need knowledge of Bard magic, besides, you know he doesn't have any magic of his own, don't you?"

I nod "I found a harmonica with artificial magic from a merchant in Bonesborough"

The Emperor sighed, I could tell he seemed disappointed in me "Did you ever think that the item could be cursed?"

I looked down and shook my head.

He sighed "Watching you fail is....disappointing. And those who disappoint get..."

"Replaced" I murmured

"It's good you know the consequences of failing this coven." he smiled, his smile was almost ominous, but my mask hid my fear.

I didn't want to be replaced. I nodded.

"You're dismissed then." the Emperor said

I left the throne room, standing outside was Raine, my face flushed with embarassment, good thing my mask was on.

"How much of that did you hear?" I asked them

They looked at me worriedly "Enough to know that Emperor is being way to hard on you, you're what, 16?"

I looked at the ground "Sixteen and a half"

"Are you alright?" they asked, resting a hand on my shoulder

I nodded, taking my mask off "I'm fine"

They sighed "Whatever you say, just please don't hesitate to come to me" they paused "I also heard that Belos doesn't want you training Hunter in Bard magic."

I nodded

Raine grinned a bit "Though I think we could bend the rules, a little"

I smiled "But we have to make sure Hunter doesn't know, I think he'd be more reluctant. And of course we'd have to be more secretive, maybe we could-"

"I like your enthusiasm" they said "But lets not get ahead of ourselves. We'll start with the lesson we planned for tomorrow, but maybe in your room instead, because we'll know if anyone is approaching, enough to quiet down."

I nod. "I'll see you tomorrow then"

With that we went our separate ways. When I arrived at my room I shut the door, locking it behind me. The room was pretty large to have it all to myself, but now it seemed ten times bigger. My things were scattered everywhere from waking up early in the morning, running out to work all day, and flopping down, a tired mess at night. I started by switching from my uniform to my pajamas followed by picking up all clothes in sight and folding them. I stuffed the folded piles into a closet, and shut the closet. There were still books scattered about, which I piled onto a shelf. The room looked alright, so I flopped onto my bed, and opened my scroll. I opened mine and Hunter's chat.

( Your Username ) : Hey, we're training in my room tomorrow, it was easier for Raine bc they wanted to stay in the castle.

Sure I was lying, but it was so Hunter could continue training with bard magic, which he seemed to enjoy. He responded almost instantly.


I really needed to give him a typing lesson.

((A/N : HEH I've got the coronavirus!! WOO))

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