Chapter 33 - Y/N's pov

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((a/n - its been i while i have no motivation lol))

 Hunter and I sat on small chairs on the porch. I'd just finished explaining why I'd gotten so upset. And my theories about why exactly Belos took me in from the group of witches. I'd also apologized about reacting so badly. Right now he sat still, staring at me. For that split second I was worried he was mad at me. He had every right to be. I was ready to take the worst. ((a/n - gurl he has no right to be mad shut up))

Right when I was expecting him to tell me how mad he was, I felt him wrap me in a hug.

"You don't have to apologize" He said "I'm sorry you had to go through this too."

I held him close, I was shaking a bit. I wiped the tears out of my eyes.

After a moment we let go. "I'm not ready to tell the others. Luz knows, but nobody else"

Hunter didn't seem upset that I chose to tell Luz first. It lifted a weight off of me. Suddenly the door opened. Camila was standing there.

"Oh there you two are" She said "We're going to go swimming, would you both like to come?"

"But the water are we meant to-?" I said, sounding confused

"Your water boils?" Camila seemed surprised "Well you've got nothing to worry about. The water where we're going is usually pretty cold actually."

I nodded slowly, but how could water that hadn't been filtered not be boiling...?

Hunter looked just as confused as I felt. I shrugged, and we followed Camila out to the car where the others were waiting. We piled into the car. Vee in the front seat beside Camila, Luz, Amity, and Willow were in the middle row, and Hunter, Gus, and I were in the very back. The car roared to life and we started moving. I still didn't really like the feeling of being in the car. The bumpiness and movement felt so weird next to flying. I leaned against Hunter and shut my eyes, feeling a bit better. Shortly, I felt myself falling asleep.

~~time skippity skip~~

I blinked my eyes open. I could feel Hunter's head resting on top of mine, and his soft breathing. He must have fallen asleep too. I didn't move, for fear of waking him. The car was pulling up to a sandy place with a dock, and water. A beach? But where was the steam? I felt Hunter lifting his head, I did the same, and glanced around a bit more. The car turned off and everyone got out. Camila opened the storage compartment of the car and pulled out some sort of clothes with tags on them, brand new. She gave a different one to each of us.

"You wear these when you swim" she explained

I supposed that none of us other than Luz, and maybe Vee had been swimming before, on account of the water on the aisles being....boiling and stuff. She showed us a block of changing rooms, I walked into one, locking the door. I stood there for a moment, sort of spaced out. And then it came back. The visions. This time I could see it clearly. The woman was definitely with Caleb. Were they holding hands? The woman resembled me, or I resembled her. The visions faded, leaving my mind blank. Then Caleb. He was here.

"Hey Caleb" I murmured, leaning against the wall. "Did you know...about...?"

He nodded.

"Is that why you decided to come to me?" I asked

He nodded again.

"And.....who was she? I know you knew her." I continued

"I'm'll have to find that out yourself" Caleb said, but there was some sort of deep sorrow sitting on his face

I was shaking slightly. "Are you serious? What's the point of visiting me if you don't ever tell me anything?" I said

He began to fade away, I leaned against the wall, sliding to the ground. Caleb was gone, and I had no new information. I heard a knock on the door of the stall.

"Y/N? Everything okay?" Luz was there, I could see from the gap in the bottom of the stall that she was now wearing sandals.

"Yep!" I said, sounding a lot more stable than I was feeling

I quickly got changed into the clothes Camila had giving me. A sleeveless black top and a little black skirt, made from some weird material. Maybe it was to deflect the heat of the water. I picked up my other clothes and folded them, holding then as I walked out. I glanced to the others.


I blush filled my face as I spotted Hunter. He was wearing baggy blue shorts with little watermelons on them, matching some sweatpants he hand, and without a shirt.

He glanced up and I noticed him notice me, and start blushing profusely. I walked up to him.

"Hey ready to swim in...cold water?" I said, fidgeting with my hands a bit. I decided not to mention the interaction with Caleb, or that I'd gotten the visions again.

"Um- Y-yeah" he said, his face was bright red, as well as the tips of his ears.

I took his hand and we walked towards the sand.

"T-thats my girlfriend" I heard him say under his breath. It was cute to see him flustered.

Slowly we approached the water. There didn't appear to be any steam but... I stepped into it lightly. The cold of the water bit at me.

"Is it...okay?" Hunter asked, a bit of anxiety of his face.

I nodded, walking into the water up to my waist. The cold felt weird, especially in water. I dunked my head under the water, it was pretty clear, I kept my eyes open. There were a few fish. One swam right past, inches from my face, I gasped. And water filled my mouth. I sprang out of the water, coughing. Hunter had walked into the water while I was under and turned to me.

"Are you alright?" he asked, I could tell from his voice that he was worried.

"Yeah. Just got distracted and ended up breathing in some water." I explained

He nodded, before splashing water on me with a mischievous smile.

"Oh no you didn't!" I grinned, splashing wave of water on him.

He shivered when it hit him, he hadn't dunked his head under yet. I grinned with victory.

I raised my hand to make a spell circle to create a wave of water. When I cast it, only a small ripple ran through the water. I'd forgotten. Again. The smile slipped from my face. It seemed like my magic decreased more and more each day. I let my hand rest at my side again. Hunter watched me with sympathy in his eyes.

"Don't worry." he said "We'll be back home soon. Then you can use your magic!" he smiled lightly

I nodded. The sun was beginning to set behind us. I took his hand again. We watched the sun sitting in the pink and orange darkening sky. The others had made their way to the little dock and were jumping from it. Amity and Luz jumped off the dock, their hands linked. I glanced to Hunter. In a silent understanding, he nodded. We joined the others on the dock, still holding hands, got a running start and jumped from the dock into the water. We both stayed underwater for a moment, looking around, and then to eachother. I kissed his lips softly, before resurfacing and taking a breath. Hunter joined me a moment later, blushing. The sky was a deep blue now. Camila called for us from the shore, and we swam in, followed by the others. She gave us back our clothes, and we returned to the dressing stalls. 

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