The Son

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Walking away from the man who had broken her heart so many times, she started to think where this all started. How did she end up here with broken dreams and a broken heart? She thought back to the time when he had first said she was worth nothing, when he had first broken her fragile heart, and she was filled with renewed sadness and pain. She folded the 60 dollars she had left in her pocket into a makeshift tube and on the clear coffee table, she snorted 7 thin lines of white powder. Just then, the door opened and her son rushed into the living room on his way to tell his mother all about his day at school. What he saw was something that he had looked forward to for so long; her lifeless body slumped on the sofa, her spirit gone forever. In that moment, everything around her seemed to stop, her favorite music in the background, the laughter of her loved ones, it's all gone, now nothing but an empty shell of the person she once was. All the hope and promise of a better life, erased in an instance. She had taken her own life, and all that her loved ones could do was grieve. Seeing the lifeless body of his own mother the little boy tilted his head back grinning and letting out an evil chuckle under his breath and he sighed 'finally'.
The little boy felt a wave of relief wash over him, the years of neglect and abuse had finally come to an end. He had watched his mother suffer for too long and now he was free. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him, as he realized he was partly responsible for his mother's death. He had been so focused on his own pain and anguish he had never thought to comfort her or stop the cycle of abuse. He silently vowed to never make the same mistake again and to never forget his mother's last moments. He closed his eyes and whispered a silent prayer for his mother's soul, asking for her body to burn in hell and to tear apart peacefully. Tears streamed down his face as he walked away from the lifeless body of his mother, never to forget her or the pain he endured.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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