Chapter 3: Karma's Burden

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Maya POV
I'm pregnant. At age 14. Why did this happen to me? Bad things shouldn't happen to good people.

"It's okay Maya, but I just need to know one thing," Riley says to me. "Who is the father?"

I couldn't answer that. I couldn't remember.

"I-I don't know," I stutter. I'm prepared to hear her lecture me about how irresponsible I am. "Go ahead, tell me how irresponsible I am and how you never want to hang out with me again."

"Maya Penelope Hart," she exclaims, standing from the floor. "I'm tired of hearing this. How you don't have hope anymore. How you think your not good enough. You are good enough! Your the most incredible person I've met. You should have hope, because the universe will give you everything you want in life. Even after this if you still don't believe that, know that there is someone out there who cares enough about you to not let you think such negative things about yourself. And it's me. So Maya, please don't say that you aren't perfect. You're perfect just the way you are."

Tears of joy begin to form from my eyes. Stupid hormones (I To DO NOT cry). I get up off the floor and hug her.

"Thank you Riles," I whisper.
Riley stopped by the drug store to grab me a pregnancy test. She borrowed my grey hoodie so no one would recognize her. Once she bought the test, we headed back to her apartment. I took the test and the results came out positive.

"Well, there's only one thing left to do now," Riley tells me. "To tell my parents."

I stiffen up a bit. "I-I don't th-think that we need to t-tell them," I stutter. "They're not my parents, so it's not their problem."

"Maya, you know that we a think of you as family. They won't get mad, trust me."

I finally give in. We decide not to tell them right away in case their in a bad mood.

I just hope they're not disappointed in me.
And that's a wrap for this chapter! In the next chapter, it will be someone "special's" POV.

1. Who's POV will it be in the next chapter?

2. How will this person affect Maya's problem?

One hint: this person over heard their conversation 😏

I'm working on another chapter and I'll post it in a little bit. Sorry for the late update! I'm going to the mall around 3 (which is in 2hours). I'll probably get back around 6, so I'll be offline for a while.

Also, I made a Girl Meets World fan account on Instagram. Follow me @//xxrowbrinalovexx. That's all for now!

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