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Tyler POV
I wake up because the first class chairs are really cold. I scan around the room until I see Alejandro laying on the floor.

I rush over to him and rub his for head. "Alejandro? Are you ok?" I ask while snapping in his face.

He wraps his hand around my neck which leaves are faces only a few inches apart. "Hi mi amor," he says.

"I can smell the alcohol in your breath, I say while shaking my head. "You shouldn't be drinking right now..."

I hate to admit it but I'm worried about him. He's like my best friend on the plane and I don't want him to be to drunk to participate in the next challenge.

"Get up Al, you need to sleep," I say.

"No...." He whines. "Princess, I want to stay here," he says and he kicks his feet up and down.

Note to self: don't let this idiot have alcohol ever again.

"Come here," I say while opening my arms. Alejandro stands up all shakey and he leans into me like we're about to slow dance. He once again slides his arms around my waist to hold me closer to him.

"Ty-Ty I'm so tired mi amor," he says through hiccups. I stroke his hair and he puts his head in the crook of my neck. I hear him groan and rub his forehead. "Ty-Ty.....my head hurts," he whines.

"Shhh, it's okay Alejandro. You head should feel better in the morning, okay?"

"Okay, Ty-Ty. I love you," he mumbles.

I don't say it back but I definitely want to. He's probably just to drunk to mean it though.

The next morning I wake up on top of Alejandro. I remember him asking me to sleep next to him and then forcing me to lay in his arms.

"Tyler, amigo? Why are you laying in my arms?" he asks.

I sit up and lie. "S-sorry I was cold," I mumble as I feel my face heat up.

"Can you get off... please," Alejandro says while looking away. I look down and realized he's bricked up.

"Okay," I say, trying carefully to get off him. Alejandro hugs his knees to chest, obviously trying not to the make the situation obvious.

"Alrighty love birds!" Chris says as he walks in. I look back at Alejandro buts he's still hugging his knees awkwardly. "Ohhh," Chris says with a slight laughs. Then, he turns to the camera and says. "Will Alejandro's.... technically difficulty's clear up? Find out next on Total... Drama...World Tour!"

The next chapter will be longer I swear 😓‼️
442 words

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