Chapter 33 - Maybe

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A/N: long chapter sorry

Alex's POV:

"You have to." Peter urged.

"But I don't want to." I groaned as he pushed me towards the door.

Peter was forcing me to go bonding with Mrs. Elizabeth, to 'build a connection'. Whatever the hell that means.

"Oh, stop being a brat and go." Peter sighed. I pulled on my coat, John's familiar scent all overtaking me. I showed Peter the middle finger while closing the door.

"TAKE THAT BACK NOW YOU LITTLE- "But I shut the door before Peter could murder me.

I didn't mind Mrs. Elizabeth, she was nice, but I had more in common with Peter. Mrs. Elizabeth is always nice to me and I guess it makes me suspicious. Not even Peter is that nice to me.

Only John. I thought dreamily. I was glad I was finally building my relationship back with John, even if it took a while.

I regretted saying that we should only stay friends but I knew it was the right thing.

Right thing. I assured myself.

Mrs. Elizabeth waved from her car and ushered me in. I slouched immediately.

I know I shouldn't be rude but it's hard not to.

"Hey Alex." Mrs. Elizabeth chirped from the front seat. I sat in the back seat, trying my best to get away from her.

I didn't greet her back. I just pulled on my headphones and looked out the window, showing her that I didn't want to talk. She didn't get the hint.

"What's wrong?" She asked me, looking into the rear-view mirror and meeting my eyes.

It was a Friday and I'm sitting in the car with my headphones on, what do you think?

"I'm bored." I muttered and I could already sense her disappointment.

"But we just started."

I caved into the hurt in her voice and regretted being mean in the first place. I shut off the music and put my headphones to the side.

"I'm sorry, I'm just..." I didn't finish the sentence and she didn't press on, which I was thankful for.

"Do you have somewhere that you would like to go?" She asked politely.

"Not really. I'll go anywhere you want."

It was silent for a while. She turned on a round-a-bout.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" She asked. At first, I was confused by the question but I answered anyway.


"Oh, like the one's in courtrooms?" She asked. I ignored the stupid question. "You're gonna like the courtroom we picked out then, it's huge." She chuckled and I sank further into the seat.

"I'm sorry that wasn't funny." She chewed the inside of her lip nervously. "What do we talk about?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, then came across a good idea. "Let's just ask each other questions."

"Uhh, alright."

"What is your best childhood memory?" I asked.

"Well," She looked deep in thought so I didn't try to interrupt. Then she brightened. "The day I met Peter. It was sometime after school and I was heading to my treehouse."

"You had a treehouse?" I exclaimed in surprise, accidently interrupting her story.

I just always wanted one.

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