Chapter One

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(Outfit up the top is what I imagine she would wear to the train station, but you can change it if you want.)


Y/N - your name

y/n/n - your nickname

Y/h/c - your hair colour

Y/h/l - your hair length

Y/e/c - your eye colour

Y/b/d - your birthday

Y/f/c - your favourite colour

The Arrival

A 15 year old girl was pacing nervously in her room on the morning of September 1st, it was going to be her first year in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. she was scared of what they would think of her, after all she does have a legacy to live up to, well according to her brother she does. This girl was Y/N Potter, yes she is the sister of the infamous James Potter, the trouble maker, the marauder, the prankster. All of these word would come to your head if you were to think of James Potter but if you were to ask someone to describe Y/N Potter they wouldn't know who she was let alone string together adjectives to describe her. No she was not quiet or shy, if you met the girl you would think quite the opposite actually, she is similar to her brother in some ways, always joking around and troublesome, but that is not to say they did not have their differences, two major difference between the two was their age and gender, Y/N was a year younger than her brother and of course their was the factor that she was a girl.

Now Y/N also didn't want to live in her brothers shadow, hence not starting Hogwarts until her fifth year, which did not mean that she didn't have an education, no she went to Beauxbatons school for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Which in her opinion was filled with stuck up pompous prats, which is why she decided to transfer, that is what she plans on telling people anyway. The real story was much more entertaining, and if she was being completely honest a lot less legal.

Y/N Potter was a beautiful young woman with y/h/l, y/h/c hair and gorgeous y/e/c, but not many people were aware of the girl's existence. You see being the youngest child of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter would obviously obtain some sort of unwanted attention which is why they decided to keep Y/N's life as private as possible. This of course resulted to only a limited amount of people to know of her existence.

The Marauders, her brother and his best friends were some of the only people in Magical England that really know the girl, other than her parents of course, but today all of that will change and she doesn't know if she will be able to cope with it.

James Potter was always overprotective of his little sister, and he had been since the day he was born, he would always threaten her boyfriends, make sure no one hurt her but what Y/N found the most annoying was his constant need to make sure what she was wearing was not too revealing. Y/N found it absurd that he believed he had a say in her clothing, frankly it pis*ed her off more than one would like to imagine, yet she loved him none the less and even found it to be cute sometimes, but others she believed him to be so unbearable that she would refuse to talk to him unless he apoligised, which didn't often take long , normally around 5 minutes before he would break and apoligise porously for his actions. James was also one of the three people she chose to confide in the others being Sirius and Remus, so she did try to never lose her cool with him, but today marked a week of  the longest fight they've ever had. You see James was being his protective self and was making snide remarks about her starting Hogwarts, he of course wanted his sister there you must understand, but there was no doubt that his sister was going to get a lot of attention from both the female and male population of the school, and he didn't want anyone to even look at his precious sister in the wrong way, which led to them fighting over her clothes. This was not like the rest of their fights as neither of them would apologise actually they would just point black ignore each other, but that changed today.

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