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Hey Guys, I decided to do write this story cause I watched the Game trailer and was pumped full of ideas.

I'll try and see if there is anything I can do about "Invading a Beasts World" But I cannot make any promises.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy.


Rokocin, Gmina Starogaurd Gdansk, Pomeranian Voivoideship, Poland

0746 local time, 05/08/30

The cold nocturnal night shrouds the forest in darkness, evergreen trees filled the vision of the surrounding area. chirping insects and rustling of leaves by the breezy wind are the only noise.

although there is no moonlight to give anyone light to see their path. there should be lights in the distance to give a sense of direction and people who could and would help. However, the current world was not what it once was.

amidst the clondless stars a rythmic sound echoed in the starless sky

"we're near the AO! ETA 5 mics out!" the pilot called out as the blackhawk shakes through the unstable gravity

behind the cockpit sat six well equipped hazmat operatives who were checking and loading their gear as the improved version of the blackhawks makes its final approach

"Alright listen up, we are approaching the target area. so lets go through the plan one more time..."

The undisclosed facility is revealed to be Secret Laboratory. A research facility constructed far beyond the safety of the city walls of Gdansk, as a precaution in case an experiment goes wrong and the anomaly within the Artifact does not harm the civilian population.

Good News is that when the experiment went wrong, the anomalies wiped out all the combat personnel present and created a massive electro magnetic pulse (EMP) that knocked out the facility defenses. However, the Bad News is that the blast created new anomalies thst have infested the area after the failure to contain it, also the electro blast didnt go unnotice. PMCs and other mercenaries within the vacinity are already enroute, to make matters worse. other City States who have forces nearby have also dispatched teams to secure the anomaly artifact. Gdansk and Krakow being the largest in comparison to troop strength.

Intelligence have uncovered intriguing information. surrounding a certain artifact. That is cable to open portals on a magnitude scale, this report has sparked interest within higher echolons. Hence the operational need for more manpower and equipment for this mission. As this was no normal scavenger hunt led or given to Paid contractors. A whole Squad was requisitioned from SOC (Special Operatuons Command)

To avoid this dangerous clash the United Nations International Security (UNIS) based in New York have devised a plan. A Fast Extraction Operation. Launched from a UN Nimitz Carrier, requisitioned and refurbished, after the collapse of the United States central authority into individual Territories and competative States that still retains a semblance of unity.

The First Group consisting of Teams one and three will insert themselves in the park within the forest outskirts, the group will head to extract access cards and intel from the terminal database in the old communication tower. then inflitrate the Secret Laboratory through the loading bay from the forest. Objectives are to secure the artifact within the facility and head towards the extraction zone where the Second Group, comprised of two and four will be stationed to recieve.

"We are arriving in Rokocin Village standby to deploy" the Blackhawk swopt in, landing gently onto the land

The team disembarks the pristine blackhawk down the bushy park. The radio crackles alive.

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