chapter 1

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I open my Diamond blue orbs as my alarm on my phone goes off
I gently sit up and turn off my alarm
"another new year of school" i say to myself
i was now my tenth year of school and i was 15
(i'm australian so idk how it really works)
i throw my messy blond hair in a messy bun not even bothering to brush it then throwing on a oversized hoodie and sweat pants because i wanted to hide my unattractive body and because i don't show all my skin off like the popular girls in my school.
i leave my house with a sigh
" i hope i can make friends this year"
i began walking to the bus stop thinking about my only friend she was a browned orbed girl with tree bark hair, she wa stage only on ever nice to me and we were best friends she was forced in to moving to japan and modeling so she never has time to talk i've ether phone or even text or..or...
i'm fall to grown as i look up to see who i bumped in to
"well well well, look who we have here"
"oh no" i say silently
it was one of the popular girls from school Rebecca goldenflower, she was the biggest bully in the school but.. why was she here?! she lives all the way in hayberry!
"hey lola look! here's y/n! clumsy as ever!"
she called called her sister over who was also a bully they both had golden brown hair and even tho rebecca was a year older the only difference was that lola had emerald green orbs and rebecca had sky blue orbs
"w-w-why are y-y-you g-g-guys h-h-h-re??"
well i guess you can say we're adding some style to 34!!" as her and her sister wickedly laugh, not only did we live in the same street... THERE MY NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOURS???!!! i tryed to silently ignore them but i could hear them snickering about me. Then the bus pulled up to the stop and we all started to get on, but as i was stepping up lola turned around and pushed me off the step! she did a evil finger wave as the bus left without me! now i had to walk to school!

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