Story One: A Cruel Fate

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It was winter on Sodor, and the year 1991 was coming to a close. An FM H-20-44 was on the railway, after Sir Topham was gifted her by Sir Robert Norramby. She had no name, only a number, 8452. She was doing odd jobs around Norramby at the time, when she noticed some shady activity near the railway. She couldn't tell what the three gentlemen by the line were saying, but she made out  four words. Cash, engines, scrap and sabotage. The men noticed her sudden arrival, and she quickly fled. That night, though, something happened. One of the workmen snuck into the shed with 8452's driver, and they planted something in her motor. She never spoke about the pains she had from her motor the next morning, as she never was the speaking type. But, when she went through the valley, something happened. A loud bang was heard, and she went up in flames. Her driver jumped out before the explosion, being picked up by a mysterious black car. Her flaming corpse sped down the line, only managing to go faster by the terrified trucks. There were trap points at Norramby, but they were strangely untouched by the signalman when the runaway shot past the signalbox. 8542 and the trucks ran right through the buffers, over the road, through a small bungalow and right into the sea. All trains were cancelled for the day, as the Sudrian Rail Commission inspected the accident. The only witness that was willing to cooperate was the guard, who mysteriously vanished before his interview with the police. The police and SRC ruled it as an act of sabotage, but couldn't do anything about it due to lack of evidence. All the information would come to light eventually, but the question is when, and how?

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