Ferrel's Beating

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Ferrel woke up from hearing his parents screaming at each other. As a pup, Ferrell didn't understand why they were fighting.

"Dammit, John, why don't you grow up!"
"Cathy, I am the alpha. If anyone doublecrosses me, i have the right to fuck up their life"
"No, it's not!" Screamed Cassy. Without a word, John slapped her muzzle, leaving a scratch on her. Whimpering, Casey looked down at her feet. "No one speaks to me like that! Do you understand that?"
"Y...y... Yes. I understand."
"Now go and get that little bastard who called the K9's on me." Said John as he snarled. "Please, John, don't beat him... again."
"I can punish my own son, the way I want to. I don't give a damn to anyone who says otherwise. Now, go wake him up!"

Ferrel closed his eyes and heard his mother's paw steps on the cold cement room. Her nails clicked like rain tapping against a window pain.

"Son, wake up." Ferrel turned his body facing his mom. I'm already awake. I heard everything."
He could tell she wanted to say something, but she responded with just a nod and walked out.

Ferrel got up and started trembling as he started walking towards his father.
"You called for..."
Before he could respond, John slapped him hard on his face. Ferrel just clenched his eyes and grimaced in pain. "You bastard. How dare you call the K9s on me? Your own father!?"
"You know why I called them," said Ferrel in a weak voice. John grabbed him by the ear and threw him across the floor. "John!" Screamed Cassy. She grabbed his right paw, but he just pushed her off and snarled at her. "Shut up, bitch. He deserves a good beating." Ferrel got up when John landed a blow on his head. "Aaagh!" screaming in pain, Ferrel fell back down, and he curled up in a ball as his father kept kicking him while cussing unimaginable words. Taking it in, Ferrel felt his hate for his father grow even more, but ever since he can remember, that's how he was always treated by him. Cassy just left the room, not wanting to get involved in the beating. Knowing too well that if she did, she'd be attacked and beaten as well.

"Next time you think about double crossing me, I won't be as merciful."

Blood dripped from his face, and bruised markings were shown all over his body. He tried breathing normally but couldn't. He seen passed out from tiredness. Not knowing his mother was crying over him.

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