Ferrel's Escape

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When he gained consciousness, he noticed he was tied to metal chains around his 4 paws and body. His father sat in his armchair. "Ah, so the little bastard finally wakes up. Took you long enough. Do you want food? You must be starving."
Confused at his father's disposition, he simply said, "Yes sir, I sure am."
"You want some?"
"Yes, please."

John got up and went to the fridge. He got out a leftover sandwich and poured some water in a cup. He walked to Ferrel. Trying to sit up, Ferrel was slanting, holding his hands up, ready to grab the food. Instead of passing the water cup to him, John poured it all over him. "There's your water. And here's your food." John placed the sandwich a couple feet away from him. "Now, I'll be gone for a couple of days. Be good." With that, John left Ferrel alone and starved.
He then fell asleep, so then he wouldn't feel hungry.

Two hours later.....

Ferrel heard the keys jingle and the doorknob moving. His mom soon entered the room. "Oh my God!"
"I'm so sorry your father did this. Here, let me take this off of you." She knelt down beside him, about to take the chains off when he spoke out. "No, mom, don't! Don't help me. Last time you did, John raped you in front of me as a punishment. Don't take these off of me."
The mom started crying. "I'm so sorry, Ferrel. I'm such a coward. You shouldn't have to be beaten and abused every day of your life. It's my fault.."
"Mom, it's not your fault. Trust me, it's not your fault. This is John's fault and his fault only.

"Do you want food?"
"Could you? That sandwich is teasing me."
Sniffling, she grabbed the sandwich and fed him. Once he finished, she gave him water. "Thanks, mom."

She looked out the window and swore under her breath. "I can't take it anymore!" Said the mom in an exasperated tone. "What are you talking about?"
"This life! Your father. Nothing ever good came out of my life. NY marriage, my puppy years, nothing. Only you are the one pride and joy I have, so I hate seeing you get beaten up. You should experience love, heartbreak, joy, and other things. But we fucked your life up. It's all my fault."
"Mom, don't say that. It's not your fault. It's John's fault we have shitty lives."

She walked to Ferrel and unlocked his chains. What are you doing?" Asked Ferrel, confused at what was going on.  "I want you to run away and leave this life behind."

"What!? But what about you? You know what John could do to you? It could be very bad."
"Ferrel, if it means you get freedom and your own life, then yes. I'll take anything your father gives me as a  punishment. You shouldn't have to pay someone else's debts."

The chains fell off, and Ferrel stood up all wobbly. "Go Ferrel, to the countryside. Your dad will never find you."
"But what about you? Why don't you go with me?"
"I have to stay behind."
"I don't want to go without you, though." Said Ferrel in a sad pleading tone. "My beautiful smart German Shepherd. Go and be free. Don't look back ever. Go, before it's too late. You have a whole days head start."

Ferrel hugged his mother and cried. "I love you, mom."
"I love you, my Ferrel, now go!"

Ferrel ran our the door, not looking back at his house. "Goodbye, mom." Thought Ferrel with a tear escaping his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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