Chapter Three: Servant Arthur

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Arthur carried Merlin until they reached a cave that was connected to the base of the canyon. Arthur and Merlin entered the cave and Arthur set him down. He grabbed their beds and set them up on the ground. Arthur picked up Merlin again and sat him on his bed. He grabbed the first aid kit from his bag and opened it up. There were bandages, a disinfectant solution, and some other miscellaneous items. Arthur grabbed the bandages and went over to Merlin.

"I grabbed the correct thing, right?" Asked Arthur.

"Oh my god. You don't have any idea what you're doing, do you? And yes, you grabbed the right thing, Arthur."

"No, I don't. I am trying though."

"That's better than nothing. Thanks." Merlin smiled softly.

Arthur smiled back at him and began wrapping the bandage around Merlin's ankle.

"Is that too tight?" Asked Arthur.

"No, that's good. I'm surprised you're doing so well. You're normally terrible at this stuff." Replied Merlin, nudging Arthur's shoulder.

"Hey! I know some things!"

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"What do I know? Besides wrapping an ankle? Which I didn't know until today, but forget that. It doesn't matter. Nothing. Great." Thought Arthur.

"Umm...I to wrap an ankle."

"Ok, so one thing. That you learned today. You can't even cook dinner?"

"No..can't do that either. My skill is on the battlefield, Merlin, not in the kitchen."

"Wow, ok. I've got to teach you that when we get back."

"Ugh, fine."

Arthur finished wrapping Merlin's ankle and then sat down on his bed which was next to Merlin.


"Only because you're here. My ankle still hurts, but thanks for wrapping it."

"Well, glad I could help." Arthur smiled, feeling a little full of himself.

Merlin rolled his eyes at Arthur but then he smiled, blushing a little.

Arthur looked at him and his cheeks turned to a light rosy red color.

He lay down on his bed, and he noticed that Merlin was staring at the wall of the cave.

"Merlin, are you alright?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"No, you're not. I can tell when something's wrong. And when you are lying about things being fine when they aren't." Arthur grabbed Merlin's hand and squeezed it. "You can tell me."

"No, I actually can't. You would chop my head off. Or Uther would, depending on who got to me first. I want to tell you, but I can't. Not yet, anyway. Maybe one day." Merlin thought to himself, his face growing sadder, lonelier.

"Yeah, I know. I just...I miss Camelot. And I hope that everyone is alright and I hope that we can get home."

"Hey." Arthur smiled playfully at him. "We'll get home, I promise. Don't worry."

"Yeah, you're right, it's just hard not to worry, y'know? Thanks, Arthur."

"Yeah, I get it. I worry about the people in Camelot all the time."

Arthur laid down on his bed and squeezed Merlin's hand one more time, smiled at him, and then rolled over and fell asleep. Merlin watched Arthur's chest rise and fall as he slept, and his eyes began to grow heavy. He laid down on his bed and stared at Arthur, wanting to feel his warm complexion against his. It was the only way he could feel a little less lonely. To feel like he belonged, and like he wasn't a monster or a threat just for being himself. He nudged closer to him until he was right next to his warm figure and he wrapped his arm across Arthur and fell asleep next to him. 

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