you help her with cramps

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203 words

Taylor gets up in the middle of the night to change her pad because it's day 2 of her period . But she accidentally wakes you up.

"tay, you okay?" You ask

"Oh yeah I'm fine" she says

"Bad cramps?" You ask

"how'd you know, haha" she responds.

"Oh trust me, it's quite obvious when your on your period, the entire week before you're moody, but it's okay because you're cute" you say while giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"haha, I mean you aren't wrong" she says

You love to fake bully taylor, she finds it funny as well

"anyways, do you want me to get you a heating pad and Advil?" You ask

"I already took some Advil, but if you wouldn't mind grabbing the heating pad, that'd be so good" she says

You walk down the stairs and find the heating pad and decide to grab some chocolate and her favorite chips.

When you return back upstairs, you hand toss the bag of chips towards her and plug the heating pad into the outlet near her beside table.

"Thanks y/n. I love you so much" she says while smiling.

"Aw tay, I love you too, goodnight love." You say

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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