False Perfection

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WARNING ⚠️ [The following text may include explicit language]

*class chatters*

"Did you hear Cha Minji is coming to our school!" Ma Jisoo shouted in excitement.

The whole class room turns silent and then bursts out laughing. "Oh please, what would an actress and K-pop idol, not to mention a very successful one at that be doing here," Oh In-hye scoffs.

"Why did I even bother," Jisoo sighs.

Whilst the class laughs and makes noise, someone shouts " Oh My Goodness, ITS HER."

The Home Room Teacher Gang Bang-Chan enters with Minji. "Everyone silence, I'm sure you all know her and the fact that she is more important than all of you combined," Mr.Gang points out. 

[Minji's thoughts]

I just arrived here and most of them, as expected seem like they have a mirrored personality, Why is that bitch looking at me that way. Did he just blow a kiss. Ew weird fuck, that's the most affection he's shown me since we were kids.

[Choi Soobin's perspective]

Never thought my dream would come true, damn she is fine. She just glanced at me, yea she totally wants me for sure. let me blow her a kiss, Oh My Days she's smiling.

"Wait, is she coming to attend school here?" I ask whispering to In-hye.

"No she isn't, she is wearing our school uniform so she can feel closer to you," In-hye says sarcastically. "Really?" I say with a wide smile. "No." She says with a stern tone.

"Hi, I'm Minji and I'm transferring in to Seoul high, I'm Seventeen years old," Minji speaks. Her voice is just perfect. 

Back to Minji's point of view...

"You may go sit down," the teacher points to a chair next to a not so bad looking guy at the back of the class in a window seat. I go to take my seat when I notice Soobin chug Jisoo out of the seat by him which lands her on the floor in front of me. "You can take my seat," She nervously smiles. "I appreciate it, but that won't be necessary," I give her a warm smile as I help her out. "What's your name?" I ask. "Ma Jisoo," She said with the widest smile I have ever seen. 

I sit on my seat and the guy whose name turned out to be Tae-hyung offers to show me around after school and I accept. It was a little bit odd, I knew everyone else here except for him.

three minutes before lunch hour...

"Alright class, as you all know the midterms are two weeks from now, so prepare well. Go to the academies, create effective groups study sessions and most importantly self study but do not over exert yourself, give yourself some rest,"Mrs.Nam gives us advice and she leaves.

A wavy brown haired girl approaches me, Oh In-hye doing exactly what we had presumed she would. "Hey, crazy idea, why don't you sit with Jisoo, Ha-eun and I during Lunch today?" In-hye asked me politely, basically her way of inserting me in her group.

Let me play a little hard to get, haha. "Oh I would love to, but I kinda already wanted to sit with Tae-hyung, how about tomorrow?" I said. "Ofcourse, see you then," she says with a hint of annoyance in her voice and walks away.

"So... You wanna sit with me huh, did my charm hit you already?" He smirks and lets out a little laugh. 

"Ah, yes the three sentences you have said to me have made me fall head over heals," I joke back.

"Oh my days! They have braised tofu and kimchi it's been a while since I've had them although I don't think I can get them with the stress of gaining weight they'd probably go crazy if I do," I worry. "Being a K-pop idol must be hard, don't get it here people will take pictures and the public won't like it. Let me treat you to a meal tomorrow after-school instead in exchange for maybe helping with Math I've been struggling a bit and I've heard you are insanely smart," He mumbled on.

"Deal," I smile and we shake on it.

"So what brings you here?I know this is a Chaebol school and all but you've already got it all and have a career and you've made a name for yourself I mean you have already won fourteen Daesang (Grand prize)," Tae-hyung asks. "Although it's true I'm amazing, I have a Kdrama series, filming starts in six months, I'm going to be acting in it and it's in mostly a school setting and I was sent here to get a feel of the environment," I tell him. We talked for the whole lunch period, and then went for classes after and then I went home.

[At Gangnum-gu Minji's home]

"Mom, I'm home," I say out loudly. "Come to D.Downstairs and tell me all about your first day in high school," She shouts out. 

In the room was what my 'mother' and I referred to as The Vision Board, which constantly reminded me of the goal we set about seven years ago. I went downstairs 

"It was quite predictable, I mean they were all pretty predictable and it seems they all have no clue who I am," I tell her. "I didn't get to speak to Soobin, but he seems to have taken a liking to me, I could tell from his not so discreet prolonged flirty gaze, I'm sure I'll get him to fall in love with me in about a month at most, then I'll probably meet his dad who is the real target, Jisoo and In-hye are just as i left them seven years ago. " I explain. "Are you sure you are okay doing this, it's a big commitment and really dangerous going after the head of C.A.V.A, even though I am sure you can pull it off," She speaks. I take off my gloves that I never take off around anyone other than her. "I hate what those kids for what they did to you, the fact all those needle scars aren't even half of it, make me shiver," She proceeds to speak.

 "Well, I'm sure they haven't changed their ways, Jisoo may seem like a victim when in reality she is also just as bad as them especially with what intel we have gathered," I scoff at the thought she actually looked quite harmless earlier on. "I'm sure I could get to her mother through her just as Soobin, we know the same won't work for In-hye's parents, considering they probably don't tell her anything worth value, with her brother over shining, leaving her in the shadow with mediocre grades, they don't really care about her and they aren't really ever in contact with her," I say. "Some one who doesn't know what horrible things she has done, might actually pity her, hearing of this," My 'mother' expresses distaste for In-hye's parents.

"Since it will take a while to get to Soobin's dad, how about we think on handling the small fries first, Ma Hui-ji, Oh Min-huk and Oh Mu-deok. I have got Jisoo where I want her, and her mother smothers her so much, Jisoo probably knows her schedule, I'll work on her for now and the other two will naturally be sorted out as well," I say to her. "Although that maybe true I don't think she'll easily give us that kind of information," She suggests. "You said I remind you of my mom right? I will find a way just like she always would, all that training , what you have invested in me, I'll make sure it pays out no matter what, you didn't have to do all you have done for me from the point of my mother's death til now, I will make sure to get revenge, target practice wasn't for nothing," I express my gratitude towards her.

"I'm sure you will, my little replica of Da-eun," She replies with a soft smile.

"In addition to the plan, I decided to make friends with someone who isn't in their social circle, he seems to be very observant it will be good to hear from someone who knows them face to face might not be best just to rely on fine prin-" I get interrupted by a call from a movie director I was working on a film with. "Hello, how can I help you?" I ask politely. " They "Oh, a promotion shoot and a meeting with a reporter on Thursday," I sigh. "Might be a little short notice considering it's Tuesday but I'll try my best to prepare for then, just make sure it's after school though," I give in and end the call. "As I was saying, I'm also keeping an eye on him as for some reason, he is the only one in the class I didn't receive a file and information on, he has got me a bit curious, just who is he?" I ask my mother, seeing her a bit blank faced.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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