1.2 The rules are rules

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Eerily, Riddle stood behind Ace

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Eerily, Riddle stood behind Ace.

"My 'rule obsession' is 'outta control', is it?" Riddle sneered, obviously finding offence that someone would say that. Particularly, a rule breaking Heartslabyul student. He has been too soft. He has been too lenient with these miscreants. Obviously, simply collaring them won't teach them a lesson if Ace is anything to go by.

Ignorant of his own impending doom, Ace continued to complain, completely oblivious to Deuce's shaking head, Trey's sigh or Cater desperately making a cross with his arms. "You bet it is. Riddle's just a petty tyrant who leans into the whole 'rules' schtick as a pretext to keep everyone under his puny thumb"

"Ace! Behind you!" Deuce warned, yet it was too late, Ace had pretty much already offended Riddle with all his badmouthing.

"Bwah?! Housewarden!"

Immediately jumping into action, Cater tries to mediate the situation.

"Hey Riddle! What's shakin', pal? You're lookin' adorbs, as always!" He wasn't wrong per say. Riddle could be considered cute with his short stature and bow to match. Though most people would probably argue that his personality spoils any cuteness that he could've had.

"Hmph. Cater, keep running that mouth and you'll lose it. Along with the rest of your head." Cater immediately apologised and shut his mouth at Riddle's retort.

"Myah?! You're the guy who put that stupid collar on me at the orientation ceremony!" Grim exclaimed, recalling the chase that occurred during orientation. He lifts one of his paws as if remembering a sort of phantom collar on him. Riddle noticeably raises an eyebrow at 'stupid collar'.

"And you're the new students who were nearly expelled yesterday." The freshmen group minus Ace, seemed to flinch at the stigma now permanently attached to them.

"I'll ask that you not refer to my signature spell as a 'stupid collar'. The headmage's habit of tolerating rulebreakers like you is going to send this entire campus spiralling into chaos one day." Riddle continued.

Sol was in no place to reject Riddle's discipline, each dorm mostly had their own sort of governing, their own state sovereignty of sorts. Each was to run the dorm as they saw fit. Whilst some may have disdain for Riddle's actions, typically it was not worth the trouble to involve yourself in another dorm's matters. All of the housewardens do respect each other to some extent, but do they agree with every action? You would find that to rarely be the case. Sol himself can't say that he adores Riddle's disciplining or Azul.. more than shady business practices, however the amount of trouble that it would bring is probably even more unsightly to the boy who barely had enough time as it is.

"Those who break the rules should have their heads removed immediately, without exception." Riddle proclaimed with a steely conviction. Words he believed in without even a smidge of doubt.

"Dude, seriously? This guy looks like a wimp, but talks like a monster!" Ace muttered towards the first year group as Deuce looked shocked that Ace would even dare to say that when Riddle is still in hearing distance.

"The headmage may have forgiven you, but if you break any further rules. I assure you I will not."

"So, uh, listen, Housewarden, sir... Any chance I could get you to remove this collar?" Any chance of buttering up Riddle was pretty much blown out of the water when he was caught pretty much badmouthing him without even a second thought. So Ace supposed that this was a good of a shot as any to get this dreadful damn collar off of him. This was like he was a circus animal, parading around with this outlandish collar, talk about embarrassing.

"I had intended to remove it once you'd taken an opportunity to reflect upon your crimes. But I've not detected so much as a hint of remorse in the foolishness I've heard you spout. Don't worry. The freshman curriculum is more focused on magical theory than practice." Riddle concluded, naturally answering all the queries as if a matter of fact. Despite his straightforward sounding words, a glimpse of a smirk could be seen on his face.

"Come now Riddle, naturally I'm sure that Ace didn't mean anything of it. It's only been a few days, no? So why the hassle?" Sol retorted, standing in front of the first year group. His opposition left Trey and Cater shocked, clearly not expecting him to interfere in Heartslabyul matters.

"Oh? Is the Alaterne housewarden questioning my authority on Heartslabyul matters? If this matter is left unpunished, no matter if it was a few days or a few months, it will inevitably grow. It is simply my job as a housewarden to cut off all weeds before they even dare to grow." Even if he liked Sol more than the typical person, he will not waver. All weeds must be killed before they infect the rest of the greenhouse, mother told that clearly. No matter who defies him, mother will always be by his side. Mother can never be wrong.

"Now, if you've finished your meal, you should quit gossiping and prepare for your next class. Rule 271 is quite clear: 'One must leave their table within fifteen minutes of completing their lunch. You DO understand what happens to rulebreakers, I trust?" Riddle threatened, making any implications of what may happen evident.

Though, to say that Ace fears Riddle would be a lie. Brazenly sighing, "More insane rules..."

Riddle glared at Ace's nonchalant behaviour. "I believe you mean to say, 'Yes, Housewarden." Riddle corrected, leaving no room for lax behaviour.

Both Ace and Deuce straighten up, "Yes, Housewarden!" They exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on them." Trey said after pretty much being a wallflower ever since Riddle arrived.

"Hmm. As vice housewarden, I trust you'll avoid any further indiscreet conversation. Now as per rule 399, 'Post meal beverage is to be a lemon tea with two sugar cubes. Thus I must go to acquire my sugar cubes." As Riddle was speaking, Sol had stood up and walked over.

"Hope you don't mind me accompanying you, petal." Sol said, walking alongside Riddle as the two of them walked off towards Sam's store.

Riddle walked past some students, not even registering their faces, only seeing rules being broken. It didn't matter if they weren't Heartslabyul students, rules are rules that must be followed. Any rule broken is dangerous to yourself and the people around you. The rules mandate order, they protect you. Ruggie drinking an orange juice instead of a lemon tea. Floyd loitering long past five minutes with the other two Octavinelle students.

Rules. Rules. Rules. All these delinquents who break rules just because they feel like it. Riddle will make this school safe, exterminating any weeds that block his path. Every rose bush needs to be pruned first before it can flourish. Any rule breaker who defies him will simply be beheaded. Mother was always right after all. 


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Word count: 1162

I wanted to really try to kinda do half character study with some of the character POVS since I just enjoy writing that type of stuff. Also changed the cover to be Kaveh, expect alot of cover changes tho, honestly I made this book to also experiment with different aesthetics.

For events, would you guys rather me ease it in with smth like Ghost marriage or just go full on with GloMas? 

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