chapter 4 : weapon

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No more than later, he fell asleep.

"Now," Nightmare stepped forward, setting Horror's alarm bells ringing in his head apparent to how he'd flinched a little.

"May I interest you in some negotiation of mine?"

It felt like a fever dream, seeing another version of him this soon. Horror thought it was indeed a dream, but figured it was not once his axe had missed. He felt the fear once that eye looked at him sharply.

Horror stepped back instinctively, pupil turning into a slit. "Who are you?" He hissed, slow and cautious as his working eye took in the details that it can. From the black goo that seemed to emit a cyan sheen, to the lone eye that mirrored his own.

"That's not what we're talking about here," Nightmare's smile faltered. The glow in his eye intensified a little, Horror didn't fail to notice that. "What I am asking for is your service." He continued in a slightly calmer tone, his smirk returning.

Horror tilted his head in question. "Service?" He cannot deny his interest.

"Yes," Nightmare nodded, stepping closer. "I see potential in you." He sounded like he was genuine, but Horror had no way in knowing if that was even true.

There was silence that followed, one of doubt and disbelief. Although, that moment of nothingness was interrupted by a faint noise. Horror immediately perked up at the sound, Nightmare mirroring his actions when he turned his head towards the Ruins. Horror was trying to make out the figure that was coming out of the foggy trail when he felt something wrap around his waist. Before he could say anything, he found himself in another place.

"What the-" He looked down, seeing a black tentacle around his body. "What the hell?!" He immediately jumped and removed himself from it, backing away as if he had been touched by something terrifying. He pat his clothes, thinking there was sludge from the oily consistency and look of Nightmare's coat but there was none.

He flicked his head back to Nightmare, teeth grit. "Let's get back on track," Nightmare continued unbothered, dusting himself off with a simple pat on his shoulder. "As I was saying, I see potential in you. I need your strength."

Horror blinked, comprehending his statement. "Strength?" He mumbled, looking down at his hands. "What do you need my strength for?" He raised a non-existant brow, getting curious yet again.

"You'll see," Nightmare responded, glad that he was feeling his counterpart's sense of interest grow. Though, there was the doubt that spiked again.

"How can I trust you?" His red eye was directed to him, voice hushed yet firm. Nightmare couldn't help but smirk.

"Easy," He flicked his fingers. "I can offer things you may find interesting." He chuckled in lowly, spreading his arms.

"This world... I know you're suffering." He slowly let his hands down as he released an audible sigh. His stare was glued onto Horror who widened his eyes. "I know your people are suffering. It's just a matter of time that you will all... be... gone." He emphasized his words in a subtle, but impactful way, his smooth voice adding onto his condescending tone.

"Don't you want to live in a better place? Get away from this... Hell hole?"

Horror was silent, his gaze trailing back down to his phalanges.

"I can provide you that." Nightmare smiled as he felt his hope, even as he always hated the feeling. From that, he continued.

"A better shelter, better life..." He stepped forward at every offer until he was close enough to reach his hand out to Horror.

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