Here we go again

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"Naomi! Time to get up!"

It was six Monday morning. I still laid in bed, knocked out from last nights study session. I sometimes hate my need to feel like a intelligent person, even though I am academically.

I heard my mother's heavy footsteps come up the stairs, barging angrily into my room.

"You idiot wake the hell up! You're gonna miss first period if you don't move your ass!" She bellowed. Her voice still seemed to be laced with yesterday's Heineken. Since I was such a heavy sleeper, her voice merely bounce off the walls, lingering in the cold air.

My mother grew impatient with my lazy self, so she gripped my ankles, and dragged me off the bed and into the wall.

My eyes flew open as I felt my bare skin make contact with the ground.

"H-hey what the fuck was that for?! Maybe if you'd give me some time, I'd actually wake up properly you imbecile!" I yelled irritated.

Her hand met with my cheek, slapping it with much force. Her eyes were red with anger as my gaze met with hers.

"You spoiled's six in the mornin', so you need to get your ass to school. Besides you got that new job today, which you'll probably lose like the rest of em'..."

She's right. My new job at that renovated cafe down the road from school. That was all I needed to hear for me to finally move on my feet, stumbling a few times as my cheek stung.

"Fine...I'm going, so calm your tits." I sighed walking past her. The clock read 6:05, which meant I had another half hour to get ready. I ran over to the shower, popping the crystal knob up as the hot water rushed down. The bathroom steamed up instantly as I shimmied out my lace underwear and tank top. The water felt relaxing against my skin, standing there thinking about how this shitty Monday would turn out for little old me. Maybe Mom won't curse me out, maybe Dad won't come to me about another amazing artist he's signed, maybe I'd actually find a decent private life.

"Tch...yeah right Naomi." I scoffed at myself, washing off the lavender body wash caressing every curve of my body. I yanked my towel off the rack as I turned off the water, wrapping it around me. I made my way towards my walk-in closet. I couldn't decide what to wear today. Sweats? Skinnies? I didn't have time to choose, so I threw on some black and white striped skinnies, a burgundy oversized sweater, and my prescription hipster glasses. Contacts piss me off anyway. My hair was a hot mess, and I could never wake up with it perfect.

"Fuck...ah! I know what'll fix it!" I yelled, rummaging through my drawers, pulling out a black beanie. Slapping it on my head, and making the adjustments, I struck a pose in the mirror with a smile in an effort to lighten my bitchy mood.

"Perfect~" I scooped up my leather rucksack, and ran downstairs in search of my fluffy Converse. I slipped those on with ease as I scrunched up my face in thought.

'Keys? Phone? Wallet? Sanity? Think I got everything!'

Without taking a second look, I left the massive mansion, and entered the dewy lavender morning of California.


Author's note:

Hello one and all~ it's another book I've been wanting to write :) I'll be adding more as well as Broken, it still needs to be edited badly D:

I hope you enjoy~

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