Silent Mornings

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The road was unusually quiet as I walked down the concrete sidewalk. Even the massive housing complexes seemed to be deserted, but then again it's 6:45 on a Monday, who the hell beside an idiot like me would be up this early? If I could've, I'd have gladly slept in, but my parents wouldn't allow it.

I sighed deeply as I gazed up at the lavender sky. It always seemed to be there for me when no one was, or when my mind wouldn't shut up.

"Why can't I have a normal life? I don't mind the riches, but some normal parents would be nice..." I whispered, hoping I'd receive an answer.

My body suddenly felt warm as it was stopped by something, another being by the feel of it.

I heard a low chuckle as I felt soft breathes hit my forehead.

"Someone needs new glasses~" the deep voice teased. I recognized that voice in a heartbeat, and my arms instantly wrapped around his waist as a cheesy grin popped up on my face.

"Dammit Jared you're such a creeper..." I giggled. Jared was WAY taller than me, two feet to be exact, and his body? Oh god don't even get me started. He had a perfect swimmer's build, lean, toned, and muscular.

His smiled seemed to shine in the dim morning light.

"Well good morning to you too Mimi..." He joked, pulling me closer to him. "You look nice today. I like this look, very sexily lazy."

I couldn't help but blush like an idiot, coming from someone like him, it's expected. I straightened my glasses in an attempt to hide my blush.

"Why thank you my good sir. You look rather dashing yourself I must say." I reply in my best English accent. I pull off pretty damn good accents for a California girl, one of the few things I'm proud of. His indigo hoodie fitted him well, it suited his pale skin tone along with his beautiful burgundy hair.

"You're too kind babe...c'mon were gonna be late for first." He said in a sultry tone, brushing his lips against mine. Our hands laced with one another as we walked the empty sidewalk, reaching the bus stop. His presence completely turned my mood around. Besides he always had that affect on me, and I'm NOT easily influenced by others. The wait wasn't long, within ten minutes the bus arrived. We took our usual seats in the back by the giant window. He leaned against the seat as my head rested on his lap, laughing hard at another swimming story he experienced over the weekend.

"I still can't feel my wrists...I don't know why you stay with an idiot like me. You deserve much better." He said, running his fingers through my mess of hair.

"I only stay with you because you're the only one who makes me feel smart. I'm the idiot here~" I replied with a giggle of a bimbo. He gently leaned over and pressed his lips against mine, holding the side of my jawbone. I didn't hesitate as I kissed him back, letting our tongues touch each other lightly. Thankfully, nobody was on the bus, so we could practically do whatever and not give a flying fuck.

"What a nice morning kiss..." He whispered, finally pulling away leaving a small gap between our faces. The scent of his Axe spray filled my nose. It was so fucking attractive, I couldn't help but nuzzle my face into his chest, taking in more of his smell.

His face met with my hair, sniffing it as I heard him chuckle.

"Kiwis huh? My favorite..." He commented softly, ruffling my jet black locks. It was messed up anyway, so why the hell not?

We hugged each other close for the rest of the long, scenic bus ride, passing the marina and our favorite hangout, Stone Step beach. The name speaks for itself. Unfortunately our ride came to an end, we walked the rest of the way like we always do. Within ten minutes, we arrived at our loathed destination, Auburn High.


Author's Note:

Hello hello! It's about damn time I added the second chapter -.- I had a hard time with the plot, so I decided to put Naomi in a relationship! Aren't they cute as hell together? I kinda got jealous writing this xD

There plenty more to come, so until then, enjoy~ :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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