Nightmare or start?

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Loki slept peacefully, the night was calm and silent, it seemed like only yesterday that they were fighting for the fate of the universes and instead two months had already passed, at least he believed. The weather was different at TVA but, since they had ended the emergency, there had been an alternation of day and night, very well appreciated by all those who worked there.
Loki slept without worries, he was used to finding comfort in a good night's rest, he had no problems getting used to the day-night cycle again, on the contrary, for someone else, the situation was not as peaceful as she would have liked.
It started with a laugh, it seemed like a sweet laugh like a child's, it floated throughout the room like a distant echo, then the clatter of hooves, then more laughter.
Loki woke up attracted by those sounds, the scene he found himself in front of left him speechless.
There was a horse, no bigger than a hand, ridden by a little boy who was laughing loudly and happily, they were as if they were made of green dust, and they shone in the darkness of the room. They skittered about in mid-air, leaving behind them a bright trail of green dust. Loki stood up, approached slowly, holding out his hand as if to touch him, as soon as he touched it he disappeared, as if it had only been a dream.
"Strange" he thought.
A few seconds passed, then the laughter reappeared. Farther away this time, it came from just outside the room.
Loki walked out slowly as if he was afraid of scaring her, they were still the same horse with the same little boy still laughing, as if it was the best day of his life. The horse made small turns in circles, spreading a trail of luminous green dust around it, then began to run along the corridor.
"Quite strange" thought Loki.
He followed him at a short distance, he jumped from one side of the corridor to the other, he seemed to know where he was going, almost as if he too was following a distant call.
Loki didn't even realize where he was now, until the boy let out a scream, just before exploding into thin air.
Loki looked up, he had stopped in front of a familiar room, 0185, it was engraved in gold letters.
The laughter reappeared, just beyond that door, that door Loki had long thought about walking through.
It was Sylvie's room, he couldn't go in, but the laughter was calling him inside, but he couldn't. He placed his ear against the door to hear better, luckily there was no one around at that hour. He could hear the laughter, but also something else, there were shouting, loud noises, explosions, shots, "what's happening?" he wondered.
Curiosity increased as the voices became clearer, there was also music, he couldn't resist it, he had to enter, he had to get to the bottom of the matter.
It was easy to open the door, with a bit of magic, he hadn't told Mobius yet, but he and Sylvie hadn't restarted the magic blocking system yet, maybe that was the reason the figure had appeared.
He entered the room quietly; it was a small room compared to his, the wardrobe had no doors, they were lying flat on the floor, the bathroom door was open and there were no signs of personal items lying around, just a bag, sitting on the bedside table, probably that was where she kept all his stuff, he wondered why.
In the center of the room there was a bed, Sylvie was there, lying on her side, her head fixed against the door, she was lying on top of the covers, the bed completely made, one hand held the sword, ready for use.
Inside the room crumbs of shimmering green magic traveled through the air, sometimes taking the form of monsters, sometimes planets, sometimes people, they shouted, then explosions, death and destruction, it was the perfect representation of chaos.
As Sylvie's image cleared through the haze he studied her face. Her face was contorted in an expression of terror and disorientation, her body was twitching slowly, "she's having a nightmare" he thought.
He approached the bed slowly, he wanted to help her, alleviate her pain at least a little, but he feared her reaction, feared he would be speared at any moment. Probably a critical point in his dream must have reached her, or perhaps she could no longer resist, because suddenly she began to agitate, as if in the grip of a demon.
Loki lunged at her, disarming her, out of fear that she might hurt himself.
The feeling of emptiness in her hand woke Sylvie up and she jumped up.
"Aah," she shouted, waving her hands in front of him, as if to defend herself from imminent danger.
"It's all right, it's all right," said Loki.
The figures suddenly disappeared.
Sylvie turned sharply towards him, she didn't seem to recognize his presence, she was panting and staring at him, as if she didn't recognize him.
"It wasn't real, it was just a dream," Loki tried to say.
"It was... real," Sylvie stammered.
"It was just a dream," she tried again.
"No!" she shouted "it was... it is... real"
Loki didn't understand her, but he thought it was best not to ask further, he could feel the chaos stirring inside her, it was as if thousands of stories and thousands of events were collapsing on top of each other.
Sylvie leaned her back against the wall, stared straight ahead, without saying a word. After what seemed like an eternity she spoke.
"It was the end" she said "the end of the world... of every world"
She looked at Loki, who was still shocked by what had happened and stared at her blankly.
"I lived at the end of the world, of every world, for years" he explained to himself "I never... I never stayed in one place for long, everywhere I went there was death and destruction"
"And now you see them again in your nightmares," Loki concluded.
"No, I see them in every dream, every night," she confessed.
Loki placed a hand on top of hers and began to slowly caress her back. He was still shaking.
"Why didn't you talk about it.? I could have helped" he asked curiously.
"Because I can't trust people," she said.
Loki didn't answer, he just nodded, he could understand that, even though it hurt him that Sylvie didn't trust him, he understood that, it couldn't be easy for her.
"My sword, do you have it...?" She asked getting agitated, starting to look around.
"Don't worry, I just moved it" Loki replied "if you want I'll stay here with you for a while... so if you have any more nightmares I can wake you up"
"I don't know if I could sleep with someone in the same room, I don't know how to relax enough around people," she said sincerely.
Loki moved closer to her, her heart had started to beat faster, trying not to move too fast he put his arm around her shoulder, he was afraid she would push him back, but he didn't.
"We can always try," he said.
For a moment they just looked at each other, their bodies so close to each other, Loki's arm holding her giving her security, their faces so close they could touch. Sylvie didn't know what was happening, she only knew that now, strangely, she no longer felt afraid, she felt as if something was drawing her against that man, that god, that version of herself that she didn't think she would ever know, somehow better , as if it were made to improve itself.
She stared into his eyes, for what seemed like an eternity, she could feel her body leaning forward automatically, as if it was something she had been used to doing for a long time. When she was close enough, she closed her eyes, and pressed a small kiss to his lips.
It was hasty, as if she were afraid of her and would push her away, but he didn't. Indeed, when she separated he instantly threw himself back onto her lips, eager to feel again that taste he had been denied for too long. He ran a hand behind her head, pulling her closer. He wanted her. He could feel every fiber of his body asking him, and he could feel that it was the same for her too, he didn't know how, but he could sense a mixture of hesitation and desire on her part. It was as if they were connected, no wonder, after all, they were the same person.
When they separated, now panting, Sylvie murmured: "maybe, I can try, maybe, you can stay, but you will stay on the same side of the room as the door"
Loki nodded slowly, settled himself, sitting better on the bed, and leaning his back against the wall. Sylvie lays back down, her eyes still darting from him to the door, as if she still felt the need to keep eyes on everything around her.
"Try to relax," Loki said.
Sylvie took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
Another half hour passed but she eventually fall asleep, this time without nightmares, without dreams, just her at peace in the void, calm, with nothing to disturb her. Perhaps Loki was the key to overcoming her fears. Maybe there was something between them that transcended every logical law of the multiverse, but she didn't care, all that mattered was her, now, with him, and a feeling of peace that she wasn't used to, but to which, she was sure, she could get used to it.
This is the first chapter.
If you have any suggestions to improve the story don't hesitate, but please with respect, it's the first time I've tried to write something serious.
I hope you liked it.

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