You think better while eating a cake

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Sylvie woke up.
There was a strange smell in her air, it smelled of grapes and wine, a warm sensation next to her was enough to make her understand why.
There was someone.
Slowly the memories of the previous night came back to the surface; her nightmares, Loki in her room, comforting her, her falling asleep, the feeling of peace and longing for her settling into her body, making her hope that this moment would last forever.
She opened her eyes.
Loki was asleep, lying on his side, his lips parted, his hair disheveled, she had never seen him like this.
She reached up to move a strand of hair that was flowing across his face, he looked so peaceful as he slept.
She suddenly smiled, she hadn't smiled for a long time, perhaps she hadn't smiled since, at the end of time, they prepared to face Alaioth. She wanted to get up, but she was sure that doing so would wake him, and she didn't want to interrupt his rest like this. She didn't even have time to finish her thought before Loki groaned, waking up.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Sylvie apologized.
"Don't worry, I got enough sleep last night, did you?" She asked.
"More than other nights, it's been better since you've been here," she replied.
Loki approached, shook her hand, Sylvie felt disoriented, she remembered well having kissed him that night, but that distant memory was one thing, and it was another to find herself, in the light of day, facing reality. She had kissed him at the end of time, because she thought they would have no more time to share, but now... Now they had all the time, and in a way, she felt destabilized by this reality.
She tried not to dwell on her thoughts too much.
"What happened last night..." Sylvie began to say.
Loki sat down on the bed, followed by Sylvie.
"Oh that" Loki continues "well, you must have been shaken by the bad dream"
"Yes, absolutely, and you just didn't want to embarrass me for taking such a step," Sylvie said, as if she were trying to convince herself more than him.
"Yes, well, I mean, it wasn't the first time" he quickly justified himself "for now you're the one who keeps kissing me"
"Because we keep finding ourselves in peculiar situations" Sylvie said, forcing some emphasis on the last word.
"Of course, of course," Loki commented.
He said no more and Sylvie did the same. She spent what seemed like an eternity.
"You know what? I'm hungry," Sylvie said.
"Yes, I think we could go down and have breakfast, well, before they wonder where we ended up, and above all,  before they start thinking strange things" said Loki.
"Yeah, like there's something between us" Sylvie said.
"Yes..." Loki said, something in that sentence hurt him deeply "it would be absurd... truly absurd..."
Sylvie could hear the note of disappointment in her voice, but she said nothing more. She stood up first and with a quick wave of her hand changed her clothes. Loki did the same and, remaining only a short distance behind her, they exited her room.
They hadn't thought to check that the corridor was clear before leaving. They didn't think there could be anyone, they were too busy overcoming that incredible moment of shared embarrassment.
As they exited they heard a small giggle behind them, Mobius was standing in the middle of the corridor, staring at them.
"And I was starting to believe that there really was nothing between you" he said smugly.
"It's not what it seems," Loki tried to explain, "I was just..."
He turned to look for Sylvie's help but couldn't find her, she was gone.
"She ran off," said Mobius, "but I think you have a lot to tell your dear old friend, don't you?"
Loki sighed, he couldn't believe she had run away so quickly, he felt betrayed. Mobius, sensing his discomfort, patted him on the shoulder.
"Let's go have some cake," he said.
Loki followed him willingly, maybe a little distraction would have helped his heart.

Loki and Mobius sat together in the "cake kingdom", in his opinion there was no better way to start a day than eating a good cake.
This morning the shelves offered orange cake, they didn't exactly change flavors every day, but enough to never get bored of the flavor. Mobius took two slices, he had a real passion for cakes, Loki only took one, which he continues to fiddle with insistently.
"Stop torturing that poor pie" said Mobius "you're skewering it like it's the cause of all your problems"
Loki looked up from the cake "we are not together" he said.
"And we don't work for TVA," he replied jokingly.
"No, really, she was having a nightmare and I helped her, end of story" he said in an annoyed voice.
Mobius stared at him "yes but you're not sleeping with your friend Loki"
"What?" Loki exclaimed "we have done no such thing"
Mobius didn't comment, he remained silent as he resumed eating his slices of cake. When he had finished he looked back at Loki, who had only eaten half of it.
"Aren't you hungry?" he asked.
"Yes, but I don't really want to eat," Loki replied.
"Well then I won't let this slice go to waste, will you?" He exclaimed, and without even waiting for an answer he took what was left of Loki's cake and began to eat it.
Sylvie hadn't arrived, strange, she had to have breakfast after all, Loki wondered where she was.
"But you can't hide the fact that you worry about her," Mobius said.
Loki nodded, he couldn't.
"I worry about her like I would worry about a friend," he said.
"Oh yes?" Mobius said teasing him "well then you should tell her because she's right behind you"
Loki whirled around and Mobius laughed.
"Funny" said Loki "very fu nnt"
"But you turned around" said Mobius "listen Loki, I will tell you as a friend, I am an analyst, and I know how to understand my surroundings very well, you cannot deny what you feel, not forever, sooner or later you will have to admit it and accept the consequences"
Loki sighed, what did he have to admit? he felt nothing, absolutely nothing, it was all just in Mobius' head, it wasn't real, he was too busy to feel anything like that.
"It doesn't happen" he thought, "but I can't deny that she's a truly beautiful person, with beautiful eyes, and she wrinkles her nose in the cutest ways, and her lips, with the best taste of... what are you thinking? she's just a friend" he shook those thoughts away.
"So have I convinced you to talk to her? Or at least, think about it? She won't be available forever," Mobius said.
"What do you mean?" Loki asked.
"Well you're not the only one who has set his sights on her, Loki, she's a beautiful woman, a goddess even, here at TVA she can't help but attract the attention of others to herself" he explained "now that we are a much calmer organization, it won't be long before someone comes forward."
This bothered Loki, the thought that someone might come forward to Sylvie, but after all he couldn't do anything about it, they were nothing. He still didn't know exactly what he felt, Sylvie was a fantastic person, he liked it when they were together, and he didn't like the fact that someone could even try to get together with her.
Mobius must have understood what he was thinking because he added, "try doing what others tell you for once."
Loki nodded "I can talk to you, Mobius, really."
Mobius nodded.
"I don't know what I feel, I don't know how to be with people, what would you do in my place?" Loki asked.
"I think I would try to talk about it, even if I don't know how I feel, I would tell her" he replied "if you really care, you will want to take that risk"
"I'm no good at betting on this sort of thing," said Loki.
Mobius began to stare at a spot behind Loki.
"Well decide quickly what to do because she's here, and I think she's here for you" Mobius said without moving his eyes
"You are not funny  Mobius" said Loki.
"No, I'm not joking," said Mobius.
"Mobius..." Loki said.
His eyes seemed sincere, he decided to turn around. She was really there this time, she looked strange, she was standing just behind him and staring at him, as if trying to find the right words.
"Cake?" was Loki only able to say.
Sylvie nodded and turned to go get a slice.
"Well I'll leave you alone, I have some work to do" exclaimed Mobius "but you take it easy, take the time you need, I'll take care of the work you lose, so you have time to clarify the things that are obviously necessary to be clarified" was too quick to disappear that Loki didn't have time to reply.
Sylvie returned with a slice of cake.
"I prefer savory, but I'm afraid I'll have to make this do," she said, sitting down.
She began to eat the slice of cake as if nothing had happened, it was Loki who spoke first, moved by curiosity.
"Why did you leave?" He asked.
"I don't know, I'm not used to staying" she replied "I thought he would start embarrassing conversations, you know how Mobius is, she's the biggest gossip"
Loki laughed "that's fine, you have time to learn to stay, I won't rush you"
"While I was gone I was thinking, why were you in my room last night? I hadn't thought about it before, but now I think about it, it seems so strange," Sylvie said.
"I was just luky I guess" Loki lied.
"For a Loki, you lie really badly," Sylvie said, putting on a more serious face.
"It seemed more real than telling you I followed a floating green horse," Loki said.
Sylvie was now looking at him with a serious and decidedly confused look.
"I saw some things Sylvie" he explained "there were some things, they were small, green and shiny. They were horses, children and people it was a mess your room, one of them appeared in mine, it woke me up and took me at your place"
Sylvie was almost laughing now.
"It seems so ridiculous," she exclaimed.
"Says the ice giant, goddess of asgard, who grew up traveling through time" Loki replied ironically.
Sylvie nodded "you can't deny it's weird though, I mean it's never happened to me, otherwise you probably would have noticed it before"
Loki couldn't explain it, he couldn't explain anything that had happened lately.
"Maybe this was a way to call for help" he said "maybe your power was calling me to help you"
They stared at each other for a long time, Sylvie continued to eat her cake, never taking her eyes off Loki. Why she had called him, she didn't know, in short, he was a god too so he would certainly have understood her more than the others, but she didn't feel entirely at ease with her in showing him her fears so openly.
"I have to go, work is waiting for me" she said slowly, almost in a whisper "the time line doesn't monitor itself"
It seemed as if it was more of an excuse than anything else, now, with the revocation of the order to destroy the ramifications, the only tasks were to monitor the variants of the one who remains and help pacify any wars and discounts between different timelines. Many analysts had chosen to return to their lives, but many, including all the minute-men, had chosen to stay, to avoid a new temporal dictatorship in the bud.
"Yes" said Loki "but maybe we can have dinner together this evening, just us, in my room I have a comfortable sofa and a TV, I could help you again with that nightmare problem of yours"
Sylvie nodded "see you later"
She quickly disappeared through the door, leaving Loki alone with his thoughts.
She had invited her to him, and she hadn't held back. Maybe Mobius was right to tell him to take the risk, maybe it was really worth it.
Whatever he felt he would find out.

This is the second chapter, I hope you liked it.
As usual let me know what you think.
And let me know if there are any mistakes

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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