Chapter 1- Remember

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"Remember..." A deep voice says "Remember!" A sudden ringing goes into my ears making me cover them. "Go away!" I yell into the distance but my voice just echoes back to me "Open it!" the same voice yells out to me but in a deeper demonic sounding tone. Someone grabs my arm "Quinn, wake up!" I wake up to my sister shaking me to wake up and I sit up and hold my forehead.

"Another nightmare?" She asks me and I nod "I made breakfast" She says and walks towards my door but stops and turns to me "You have to go to college today. Don't forget" She smiles slightly and walks out of my room. I get out of bed and find an outfit to put on then shower.

I do my hair then walk to the kitchen and look at the plate of food my sister made for me "You don't have to eat it if you're not hungry" I look at her "Do you know if mom ever said anything about our childhood?" I ask her and her mood changes "Of course, remember when we went to th-" I cut her off "No. You know what I'm talking about."

I look at her seriously "Quinn, how many times do I have to tell you" I walk away and she follows me "You were in a coma!" I ignore her and put my shoes on "Quinn, you can't be mad at me." I turn to her "If Mom and Dad weren't dead they'd probably tell me" I grab the bags I'm bringing with me and walk towards the front door.

"Quinn!" My sister says but I just walk out the door and towards my car "You can't ignore me forever!" She yells out to me "Watch me." I say lowly. I put the bags and stuff in the trunk then get in the car. As I'm driving to the college I get a message but I don't check it and keep driving.

I arrive there and see a bunch of people with their family getting their stuff out of the cars and families crying because their kids going off on their own. I checked my phone and my sister texted me "You can't keep acting like this your entire life just because you don't know what happened in your coma" I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my pocket then got out of the car.

I get out bags and stuff out of the trunk and carry them into the building until I get to my dorm.

I arrive at my dorm room and hear two people going back and forth so I open the door and walk in. They look at me "Uh, Dalton Lambert?" I say looking at them and one of them nods "You're Quinn Warren?" He says confused "Yeah" I put my stuff down "Sorry if this is rude but we were kind of expecting you to be know boy?" Daltons father says to me.

"Well I mean it is a liberal arts school so I guess they don't care" I said "I have to tell the housing admins then" Daltons father says "No no I'll tell the housing admins. This might just be a misunderstanding" I insisted "Okay" Daltons father says. I walk out of the dorm room and walk over to the housing administration to talk to them.

I walk up to the front "Hi, I would like to know if I could change roommates?" I said hoping she would say I could so I don't have to deal with Dalton's father. "Sorry, unfortunately, we don't have anyone you could have as your roommate except for your current one" She says and I just nod and walk back to the dorm rooms and see Dalton's father walk by and it looked like he was crying.

I just shrug and walk back into my room "So they said they can't fix the problem" I said to Dalton who is putting up his paintings on his side of the room "It's okay" he says. I nod and start putting my stuff away then Dalton speaks up "Sorry if my dad was being rude or anything" He says to me and I turn to him "It's fine".

Time passes and it is now night so I'm sitting at my desk drawing then I stop "So any fun or weird facts about you?" I say to Dalton and he just looks confused and says "What do you mean?" I turn to him "Like...I don't know ordering food with a British accent" I say and laugh then turn my attention back to my drawing.

"Yeah that is pretty weird" He laughs a little then says "Well, I can't remember a part of my childhood.." He says and I turn to look at him "Really?" I say confused "Yeah its like when I try to remember...its all a blur" He says and looks out into the distance. "Me too and I have these really weird nightmares also" I said.

"Me too.." He looks at me and is confused about how we both can't remember a part of our childhood. "Well, I have to go to sleep" I turn off the light at my desk and get into bed "There is another weird thing about me.." He says to me and I look at him "Like what?" He looks down "I kind of need a nightlight to sleep.."

I look at the light he's holding "Okay" I put my blanket on myself and he puts his nightlight into the wall and gets in his bed. I fall asleep and see a red door that's locked so I walk towards it to get a better look. Banging and screaming are coming from the other side but something drags me by my ankle.

I scream for help but everything is black then a light turns on and I see something with a red face "Open it. Open it" It keeps saying to me. I try to run away but when I turn it's right in my face and it yells out "OPEN THE DOOR!". I awake to Dalton shaking me "Are you okay?" He says to me in a concerned tone.

"You yelled in your sleep" He said to me "I had a nightmare that's all" I said and got up "Do you remember it?" He said and I shook my head as a no. "I have to go to my class so see you later" He says then grabs his art stuff and walks out of the room. Dalton walks to his art class and stands at his easel as his teacher speaks to the class about what they have to do.

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1.." The teacher says and Dalton starts drawing on his easel with charcoal but it's like he's in a trance of some sort. He starts drawing a door and outlining it then drawing the knob. He goes over the lining again but a hand comes out and grabs his arm leaving a scratch on him. "Here" His teacher says handing him a band-aid and he just looks at her.

I come back from my class and see Dalton at his desk painting something "What's that?" I say curious "I drew it in class today" He says and I look to see and is a red door with somebody at the door like they're trying to hammer it down. I get a bad feeling looking at it and he just continues painting it red and I sit down at my desk then look at Dalton.

"There's a frat party going on later if you want to go" I say to him and he looks at me "My dad wants me to go but I don't want to" He says "Come on, you need to get out for once" I smile at him "Fine.." He says.

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