Chapter 3 - He's Close

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Ever since Dalton painted that red door he's been touching it up and adding stuff to it. It's weird because I see that door in my nightmares well I don't know if I can even call them nightmares. They feel so real, it's a very weird feeling.  I sit down at my desk then look over at Dalton as he's painting more stuff to the door.

"How did you even come up with that?" I ask him curiously and he looks at me "It was a art exercise in class. She asked us to dive deep into our subconscious" He said but it seemed like he had more to say then just that. "So you drew a door?" I asked but I honestly wanted to laugh because out of all the things to paint, he painted a door that was red.

He nods then looks back at the painting "This might sound weird but...I've been seeing things.." Dalton looks at me again "Oh? What kind of things?" I say confused. "I saw a guy at the frat party was like...he was dead." I look at him confused but I believe him. Dalton looks back at the painting and says "I feel like I'm getting closer to something or something is getting closer to me"

I look at the painting and back at him "I've seen that door before" I say out of nowhere causing him to look at me. "What? Like actually?" He questioned and I nod then look back at the painting. "In my's weird really." I said as I look closer at the details of the door. "That's weird..." Dalton says then looks at the painting and back at her and I nod then take my attention away from the painting.

"I'll be back" I said leaving the room going to the bathrooms. As I'm walking there I see a guy standing in front of the bathrooms just staring out into the abyss while the lights are flickering a bit. I look at him confused then say, "Are you okay?" The guy looks at me with a confused expression then smiles at me. "Yeah, I'm great" he says looking at me now and I nod "Well, can you move I kind of have to use the bathroom?" I ask him.

"Sorry" he says and moves out the way and I look at him. Why have I never seen him around before? His clothes look out of date. No offense of course just maybe he likes the style? He seems weird. I go into the bathrooms and go to the sink. I turn on the faucet and splash my face with water. I'm honestly too stressed out with everything that's happening.

I look into the mirror and see someone behind me so I turn but no one is there. God, please don't tell me it's happening again. I sigh and turn off the sink then head towards the door. As I get out I see the guy walking down the hall but he looks lost as he keeps looking around. I go up to him "You know where you're going?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"No- Yeah. I know where I'm going" He smiles and looks up ahead again. "Okay.." I said and turned to leave him but he grabs my wrist tightly. "Actually..." He says in a monotone-ish voice as he stares at me like he's trying to read my soul. "Nevermind." He says letting go of my wrist and his expression changing into a happy one again. "Alright." I said sounding confused and start walking back to my dorm.

Who the actual fuck was that? I ask myself in my head and continue my walk to my dorm. I finally get there and go in. I see Dalton asleep? Already? I shrug and just get in my bed. I have a hard time going to sleep but I eventually fall asleep. "Quinn..." a voice says calling my name making me open my eyes. I'm not in the dorm. Don't tell me this is another nightmare.

"Come here..." A soft voice says and I turn seeing someone standing there with their hand out waiting for me take it. I hesitate at first but eventually I walk towards them and grab their hand. They lead me somewhere and I see a light then a door. I stop walking and try to let go of their hand but they just hold my hand tighter, dragging me to that door.

The door is right there. The same one that Dalton drew, the same one that I keep seeing. The Door opens by itself and I see a bunch of hands coming out of the door and grabbing each side of the door and a bunch of voices calling out to me. They finally let go of my hand and I go running the other way but I fall and they grab my arm getting me up and taking me to the door.

"GET IN." They say to me in a deep demonic voice like every other time but it sounds more distorted. "GET OFF OF ME" I yelled trying to take their hand off my arm as I feel their nails digging deep into my arm. They push me onto the ground in front of the door. The hands grab at me as I try to get away but all of sudden I don't feel them grabbing at me. I hear a whisper in my ear that says "He's close..".

I then feel a grab at my ankle and they try to pull me into the door. I keep trying to stop them but it won't work. "HE'S CLOSE. HE'S CLOSE. HE'S CLOSE. HE'S CLOSE." All of the voices from the door keep repeating. "Quinn!" I hear a voice that sounds like my mom and I turn to where I heard her voice. "Mom?!" I said really trying to get out of the grip from all of the hands now but then everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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