• Nicknames •

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Snape came back to the classroom and saw us throwing pens at each other. "What are you two doing!" He shouted.
"uhh.. we were just ..uhhhhhhh....cleaning!" Riddle blurts out.
"whatever, detentions over."
he says as he leaves.
We both burst into laughter, we laugh for like 6 seconds before i say, witch a straight face "okay stop. i hate you"
"you hate me, i hate you" riddle confirms.
"im gonna go now."
Riddle stopped me as i walked out the classroom.
"can i walk with you to the common room? I don't know where it is"
"whatever, just don't talk to me. got it?"
"yes ma'am" he teased.
i rolled my eyes and lead him to the common rooms, i walked away from him , ignoring him.
"Bye then" he said
*i stuck my finger up at him and slammed the door of my dorm room, as i shut the door, i couldn't help but smile, i got changed into my pyjamas and got into bed.

(the following morning.)

The next day, iwoke up early to begin preparing for classes. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, not wanting to be late for my first lesson. As i made my way down the stairs, i could hear the sound of footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Riddle, still wearing the outfit from the day before. Tramp.

"Good morning," he said, a small smile on his face.

"Morning,you gonna get changed?," i replied, trying to ignore the flutter in my stomach.

"uh- yeah.." he said.

I walked to the Great Hall in silence, my mind racing with thoughts about what his presence at the school might mean.?

(after that)

I was walking to my next class, on my own again. Riddle showed up next to me and barged my shoulder "heeyyy" he said, mocking the way i talk to my friends.
"Fuck off Riddle. I don't want to speak to you"
He sarcastically drops his jaw and holds his hand on his heart while walking, acting offended
"why won't you talk to me princess?"
"because i don't like you , dumbass. And I've told you not to call me that.."
"Sorry princess."
He giggles and i just roll my eyes.

(3 year time skip)

After class i arrive at my dorm. I make sure nobody is watching and i grab my black robe and mask and put them on. I climbed out the window and used the port key that took my to Malfoy Manner. I saw Bella and ran to her.
"Y/n!! Oh my how much I've missed you!"
I throw my arms around her and we hug for a good 5 seconds.
"Come on, lets get going unless we want to be late"
we walk to the death eater meeting together.
Riddle sat in front of me, i found it funny how after 3 years he still didn't know i was a death eater.
after the meeting someone pulled me into a bedroom, it was Riddle. Draco and Nott were standing there. Riddle locked the door, i didnt speak as it would reveal who i am. He pinned me against the wall. "Take your mask off."


"im warning you. Take your mask off, you've been hiding for too long. We want to know who you are"


"Fine. I warned you"

he ripped my mask off, and i just pulled this face: 😧

all of their mouths dropped wide open and their eyes looked like they were about to pop out.


"ehhh.. surpriseeeee...-?"

Riddle threw my mask at my chest and i put my hand on it, he then whispered in my ear, "meet me at the astronomy tower at 2am, don't stand me up. Princess."
he then let go of my mask and let me out of the room, i said goodbye to Bella and used my port key to get back to Hogwarts. I waited till 2, i then snook out of my dorm room, i made my way to the astronomy tower and saw the brunette curly haired boy, sitting smoking a cigarette on the edge, i sat next to him

"i knew you would come" he said, throwing his cigarette off the edge. "brave of you." i chuckled.
"why didn't you tell me?" "tell you what?" I asked. "That you were a death eater." "because why would i have to tell you?" i smirked
"i hate you, Potter." "I hate you too , dumbass."
"I like that nickname princess." "i don't like that nickname, so stop using it." "make me, princess."
I turn my head to look at him, i switch my focus to his eyes to his lips, he then cups my chin and tries to kiss me, i swerve his kiss and giggle, i stand up "see you tomorrow , dumbass."
"yeah, cya princess." He smiles at me as i walk away




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