Chapter Three Part Two: Max

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After making it to the Center, I heal my Pokémon and on the meantime start to wait for Trinity. I haven't seen her for half an hour and I'm starting to get worried, so I go to train to the outsides of Pinwheel Forest.

While battling a Trainer, I get a call on my Xtransceiver.

- Hey buddy! I know we're battling and all that stuff, but can I please take this?

- Of course! Take your time!

- Hello?

It was the huge man that was in front of the Striaton GYM.

- Oh, yes, hello you! Ehr... I know it's a little bit late, but the Leaders are finally here and they're waiting for your challenge! You know, just, just spreading out the word.

- Alrighty then! See you tomorrow there!

- Goodbye!

I look at my opponent.

- Ready to continue? - he says.

- Please. I'm always ready.

*** TIME LAPSE ***

When I finish training my Pokémon I realise it's getting late, so I go to the Pokécenter and heal my Pokémon again. When I'm about to leave, I realise there are some girls with fancy clothes on and masks talking. Then I see a beautiful girl with snow white skin, gray eyes and brown hair speaking. I notice they are leaving and I try to follow them. Then the beautiful girl turns around.

- Hey! You!

- Me?

- Yes, you. What is your name?

- Ehr... my name is Max. I'm from Sinnoh.

- Well, my name is Carla and I'm from Nimbasa City. Well, I was thinking... you are very handsome, and I'm going to a party... do you want to come with me?

- Ehr... of course!

- Alrighty then! I'll see you in 15 minutes at the Café. Be sure to come fancy and don't forget to bring your mask! See you there!

She kisses me on my left cheek and leaves. I start running to a clothing store just to buy a mask. After watching all the designs I buy the perfect one. The one that totally matches my personality. A black and white mask that is half happy, half sad. I heard the happy mask represents comedy and the sad mask represents tragedy. I put on my mask and run to the store's bathroom to change clothes.

I realise I didn't buy a tuxedo, but that really doesn't matter because, first of all, I have one on my backpack, and second, I'm from freaking Sinnoh! I mean, we use tuxedos for everything, even FOR POKÉMON CONTESTS! How crazy is that?

I take out my shirt, and look my skinny body at the mirror.

- Man, you need to start to work out - I think to myself. I put on my clothes, put on my mask, grab a joker card I always have on my pocket, and walk towards the Café. I find Carla and her friends at the entrance. I'm almost half an hour late.


She looks at me with a big smile, like saying '"t's okay, it doesn't matter!"

- Oh, hello, Max... I mean, handsome gentleman!

- Hello gorgeous ladies. May I open the door for you?

When I open the door all of them smile.

- Thank you Max!

When I enter, I realise that a song apparently just finished playing, so I just listen to the last words.

"Play on, play on, play on,
play on, play on".

Then some dance couples start to sit down as soon as the violins stop playing, and so until there is just one couple standing there, kissing.

I can't see the girl's face, but I know who she is. That tan skin, that black hair. Then I try to identify the man she's passionately kissing. That snow white skin, that long, green hair.

Trinity is kissing N.

- Hey Carla... I just realised I have to do something very important. Sorry, hope we meet again sometime - I whisper to her right ear.

I put off my mask, stand up and run, trying to hide the tears, to the entrance. Don't misunderstand me, I know we're nothing, but I really thought I had an opportunity.

I go out of the Café crying and run back to Route 3.

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