Chapter Nineteen - THE HUNGER MADE HIM DO IT

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Chapter Nineteen - THE HUNGER MADE HIM DO IT

Standing large from far away, made almost completely out of brick and painted gray, which made the sign in front that much brighter.

Bone Fresh

It hadn't taken him long to find the restaurant and doing that didn't feel right until he was standing in front of the building.

Theodore had all but declared for Oliver to leave him alone, but Oliver was always known to be stubborn. Plus, he rarely listened.

He was meant to be at home. After his shift at work, he was driving home when he realized he was no longer going his normal route. It was like his heart decided something before his mind could catch up. Instead of seeing tall trees and an empty road, he was driving down a busy street downtown. Near where the well-known restaurants were. 

Oliver had parking in a parking spot before he realized the full extent of what he was doing.

"God, am I really doing this?" He gripped the steering wheel, muttering to himself.

He gave himself one last glance in the rearview mirror, and then opened the drivers side door before he could overthink it.

Walking along the sidewalk until he reached the front of the building, he was shaking his head at how much of a stupid idea this was.

And before long, he was standing in front of the building. His eyes couldn't glance away from the gray brick. Truthfully, he wasn't exactly sure if Theodore was even working today. But he had to take a chance. He also wasn't sure if he would find the courage to do this again.

Oliver forced himself inside the restaurant, finding it overly crowded. The loud noise only seemed to make his face feel hot. Was this really a smart idea? At the podium in front, was a young female. She smiled at him in greeting. His palms began sweating. 

"Welcome." She greeted. "Table for one?"

He swallowed. Maybe this wasn't actually a great idea for him to be here. But it was too late now. "Is Theodore Blackwell here?"

Her smile faltered ever so slightly. "Chef Blackwell? He's in the back right now."

Oliver felt uneasy, and he was about a second away from leaning on the podium to steady himself. "Is there any way I could talk to him for a moment?"

"You want to talk to our chef?" She slowly asked. "When he's busy cooking meals for everyone else?"

Oliver realized how ridiculous it sounded when said out loud. But he still nodded, nonetheless.

"If possible, yes."

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, you can't. If you mind waiting, however-"

"I'm sorry." He shook his head, apologetic. "But I can't do that."

He bypassed her, ignoring her pleas, and walked through the noisy people, and right into the back double doors.

If he thought the people were loud out there, it was even more louder in the kitchen. Someone was barking orders, tone angry. He immediately knew that angry tone belonged to Theodore.

A second later, he saw the man in question. Furrowed eyebrows, lips thinned, he looked angry and was scowling at anyone in his way. He looked like a different person. He was in his element, and he was thriving.

Standing there, Oliver almost forgot the reasoning for being there. That was until Theodore turned his head, and their eyes met.

Gone was the furious look from before, and now he looked shocked yet nervous. Theodore glanced around the room, whispered something to one of the other workers, and walked his way. His eyes were dark when he reached him.

"What are you doing here?"

Oliver was taken aback at the harsh tone. He hesitated as he answered. "I came to talk to you."

"Well, you wasted a trip." He shook his head like he wanted the conversation to be over. "Because I have nothing to say."


"No." He sternly said. "I should have never asked you to stay the night. I've regretted that since. But I didn't want to talk then, and I don't want to talk now."

"But the wedding-"

"Is none of your concern anymore." His eyes narrowed. "I no longer need you as my date." There was commotion from behind and he sighed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to back to work. Leave the way you came and delete my number, Oliver. I'm serious."


Several hours later, Oliver was sitting by a lone table. Again, he had refused to listen and instead was willing to wait until Oliver was leaving.

He was patient. And he was also generally hungry.

After he left the kitchen, he ran into the hostess again. She was clearly irritated, but the smile returned when he asked for a table.

He was sat in a smaller sized booth and ordered food. The food had long come and went, so he kept having his glass refilled while he waited. Waited for the other man to make an appearance. 

Oliver just didn't know how long that wait would be. It wasn't until a quarter after nine when the kitchen doors opened.

Theodore looked tired. He was in the middle of putting on a jacket and even that seemed like a tiresome act for him. He slowly pulled on the jacket and appeared defeated when the jacket went on.

That tired gaze only intensified when he realized who was walking towards him.

Theodore groaned when he caught up to him. "Why are you still here?"

"Because we never got a chance to talk."

Together, they walked out of the restaurant. Theodore tried walking in the direction of his car, but Oliver grabbed his elbow before he had a chance to try.

"We are going to talk, Theodore, or I will follow you back to your apartment."

They were standing on the sidewalk, but it was fortunately deserted.

"God, Oliver." He groaned in annoyance. "Why do you care so much?"

"Because." He hesitated.

"Because, why?" Theodore cocked his head. "Huh? Why, Oliver?"

"Because I just do, okay?" He raised his arms in a dramatic flair. "Is that such a bad thing?"

Theodore searched his face, gaze intense. His expression was different, in a way Oliver could only describe as longing.

It was like Theodore was fighting with something in his mind. He could tell that Theodore wanted to trust him. Wanted to give in.

But there was another part that wanted to close the door and go through whatever he was going through alone. Like he didn't need anyone then and he didn't need anyone now.

And it appeared like that side of his mind was winning. And Oliver wasn't sure how to fight that. It was clear Theodore wasn't going to do the same. 

Expression now unreadable, Theodore sighed. He was defeated and done for the night.

"Just leave me alone, Oliver." He whispered. "Do us both a favor and pretend like you didn't see me at the reunion."  

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