Do You Know?

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Things that even my friends don't know.

1. I have nerve hypoplasia/hyperplasia in my right eye (can't remember which) and can't properly see anything out that eye- it's all blurry

2. My first name is hyphenated but I only tell people the first part

3. My name means "Birth of the Lord" or "Christmas Day"

4. I was born exactly nine months away from Christmas (you know what that means ;))

5. I am double-jointed in most places

6. I've never been stung by a bee and could have a deadly allergy to that

7. I'm a year or two younger than what I should be in my grade and always have been- I haven't skipped any grades, just did school work early

8. I've moved seventeen times in my life of fourteen years

9. I have two scars on either side of my chin and I'm not telling you why

10. I have scars on my back and chest/collarbone and I'm also not telling you why

11. I've never had anyone but family that I live with at my birthday parties in fourteen years of life

12. I once trapped a squirrel in a butterfly net

13. I stayed on the thirteenth floor of a hotel when I was thirteen and I wore thirteen bracelets every day (nothing happened)

14. My parents tried to kill my cat twice and it still snuck with me all the way to another state (miss you, Blackpearl)

15. I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 11

16. I've never had a friend for longer than 1 year and 7 months

17. I have the opposite of claustrophobia (claustrophilia?) and love small spaces. Small, quiet, secluded places.

18. I love you.

19. My favorite colors are green, black, purple, and red.

20. I'm nearsighted, but pretend I'm not so that people don't pity me

21. I self-harmed for the first time when I was eight

22. I tried age-regressing but couldn't because I'm not good at being a kid and my "friend" tried to force me to

23. I'm not a furry unless you count furry as someone who likes anthropomorphic reptiles/dragons and owns a therizinosaurus Dinomask (scaly?) But I prefer "dragon/reptile enthusiast"

24. I still fit in some clothes from when I was eight, my torso is small especially my ribcage 

25. I wore an eyepatch unironically and for medical reasons when I was three

26. I've been sexually harassed twice by girls and kind of don't think they're very attractive 

27. I look like a boy and think like one too

28. I eat starbursts with the wrappers on

29. My nose is upturned at an angle that slightly makes me look like a pig and I tend to eat lots of food that I like so my dad calls me Piggy and makes snorting noises at me (I don't eat much usually, only when I like the food a lot or if it's a safe food)

30. I have to move to a place where one of the people who sexually harassed me lives and could go to school

31. I really like too-hot or too-cold baths, they're nice when they stab my skin and it prickles or turns red, I just like it

32. I've almost drowned three times

33. I can taste water specifically and tell if it's safe to drink (sulfur-rich, lead poisoned, heavy metals, pond water, algae contamination, etc.)

34. I wasn't allowed to wear nail polish for eight years

35. I'm skinny, but kind of squishy in some places and muscular in others (no one can tell because of my clothes) Skinny as in unhealthy skinny. Like my ribs stick out and my hip bones and I can rest a few pencils on my collarbone, and there's nowhere on me where you can't feel bone with the exception of two places. Do not wish for my body, it is uncomfortable- and I'm not glorifying it. It's very painful and obnoxious.

36. I may have hEDS.

37. I scored 148 on an IQ test, but I don't think it means anything and you shouldn't either

38. I taught myself piano, and I can play two parts of two songs from video games (Song of Healing and The Grimm Troupe) I'll maybe play for you people if you ask :) Also, I can rickroll people on piano...

39. I'm descended from Alexander Graham Bell (according to my grandpa)

40. On my mother's side, apparently, I'm some odd mix of German, French, Italian, Irish, and Spanish. On my father's, I think just German and Irish.

41. I can speak basic French.

42. I've been to church. I liked it, the bread and water was yummy and it was very pretty inside, quiet except for the singing. I sung the national anthem for a church. It was very embarrassing, as I was two. So I do like church, and would like to live in an abandoned one. I'm not sure of my religion, though. I don't think I'm Christian or anything. But I'm not exactly an atheist. I think that there's a God, but it's a celestial being who appears differently to everyone based on who they are. Some people see it as the one God, some see it as other things or multiple gods. Some see it as one or two they like. Some see it as the Devil. Some don't see it. It's different for everyone, because everyone fears or respects different things. I just see it as... A force. A force of nature, and a powerful one, a shapeshifter. So I respect everyone's religions, because I think they're all real, we all see things differently and it's important to see things from others perspectives. But church was nice. More bread, anyone?

43. One time, I ran into a forest and cried for fairies to come get me. I also planned running away to them, and followed library book instructions to go to their realm. I still think they're real, personally. It's just comforting. Please don't be mean to me about it, I need something to hold onto.

44. I've gotten death threats and I just said "okay, hurry up". They didn't hurry up. Still waiting. Horrible customer service...

45. I used to have a pink jewel spider. I don't know where it went.

46. I used to have a monitor lizard named Eva. I miss her.

47. I am skilled at archery, knife and axe throwing, and baton.

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