Chapter Two

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"During Sins, Jon is going to forget to play the opening bells part and Ryan is going to remind him to play the damn bells. Later, when we sit down to get acquainted with the film crew, Jon will mention how the light on the camera is bright enough to fill a baseball stadium."

"Dude there's no way you can know that."

"I'm from the fucking future, Spencer, of course I can know that."

Spencer had been driving Brendon crazy since he told him that he was from the future. The bus ride had been full of questions about his so called future life, things that Brendon refused to tell him about. It would offset the timeline and Brendon watched enough Science Fiction movies to know that was something he did not want to do. Not to Spencer anyways, who was so happy with Linda. He wouldn't dare mess that up for him.

"I meet Sarah tonight too..." Brendon suddenly realizes, groaning softly at the bottom of his throat. Sarah was one person, he did not want to see in the past. Of course, he loved her more than anything, but if he was here for real right now then it was to fix things with Ryan, not to build a relationship with the person who drove Ryan away.

"Who is Sarah?" Spencer asks with confused eyes, completely oblivious to the situation at hand.

"My future wife." That shut him up. He was staring at me now, eyes wide with shock. He was the one person who always knew about Ryan and I, even from the beginning, so to hear this Brendon tell him he was going to fall for someone other than Ryan must have been a shock for him.

"But you and--"

"That's why I think I was sent back... to fix things." More confusion flashes in Spencer's eyes. "Spence, in the future me and Ry.... he leaves the band after our second album. Him and Jon both do. They say it's creative differences and for Jon, maybe it is but...." Not Ryan. "I fall in love with Sarah and ask her to marry me.. Ryan ran away because I couldn't love him anymore... I mean I could I just... he refused to tell anyone but you about us and I needed someone who would love me in front of everyone so I left him for her." Brendon tries hard not to tear up, biting his lower lip softly with regret clear on his face. "Fuck, it's the biggest mistake I ever made. That's why I think I'm back... to redo it all. To finally have another chance with him..."

Spencer stands there wide eyed. He shows no emotion on his face other than clear shock. It feels like forever passes before he finally speaks again. "I believe you... Fuck, that sucks, but I know you wouldn't be creative enough to make all of that up." Brendon rolls his eyes at that and wipes away any tears that have dared to roll down his cheeks. "I'll help however I can okay?" Spencer whispers when a few more people enter the dressing room, Brendon gives him a soft nod and turns to see Ryan in the corner, unpacking the small supply of makeup in his bag onto the counter which will be his spot for the evening.

Brendon walks over there, bracing himself for the short answers he knows Ryan is going to give, because if he remembers this night correctly, Ryan will be nervous and extremely horny. And when the two combine together one gets a very short tempered Ryan. Brendon moves his body right next to Ryan's and lets his shoulder nudge against Ryan's arm, smiling softly as he instantly pushes back into Brendon. "Are you going to do my makeup for me tonight?" Brendon asks with a soft hum, his lips pulling up into a small smirk as he remembers the times Ryan would help him with his cheeks, making sure they were even with red paint before Brendon would go on. He remembered the small touches on his thigh Ryan would make sure to place. He was always that way, teasing Brendon, and Brendon always fucking loved it.

"No." He answers shortly, his eyes staying on his makeup bag as he pulls out a small container of eyeliner and a palette of bright eye shadow colors that only Ryan could pull off.

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