Chapter Six

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A/N: this is a shorter chapter, but don't worry, the next one is going to be a long one. I hope that makes up for it! -Amber


It wasn't very often that Zack and Brendon sat down to watch Live in Denver together, and it was even more rare that the two of them had corresponding dreams. Brendon had called Zack right after breakfast, his hands shaking as Zack picked up the phone with a simple answer of "Dude, what the fuck?" It brought Brendon some sense of relief to know that Zack remembered it all too, but it also made his gut sink.

It had to be a dream right? Because when he woke up this morning everything was the same as he left it before. If it had been real, wouldn't he be waking up next to Ryan? Or had he done something to fuck that up later too? And why had Sarah even been there? He had met her in the dream, but only for a few seconds. Surely he hadn't still married her. But there she was, laying in is bed, a wedding ring on her finger. But, then again, if it was just a dream, why was Brendon's ass so sore he could hardly walk straight?

It was all so strange, and Brendon had no idea what in the fuck was happening to him. All he knew is that he hadn't wanted to leave that dream world. He wanted to wake up to Ryan curled into his side. He wanted the messy hair and runny eyeliner and the sweet good morning kisses. Fuck, he needed that.

So now, here they both sat, analyzing every detail of the move to find any irregularities in it. Even Zack was put off by the situation, apparently he wanted to know if it was real because of something about this hot hotel chick he banged that night? Whatever. Brendon didn't care much about that.


Brendon looks up at the screen to see it paused on his face, the scene with.... the fucking bells! 


"Jon.... Are you gonna play the bells Jon? Jon...... bells?" 

And then there's a long pause before Brendon shoots Ryan a smirk and says "The bells aren't in the first verse." And then he chuckles.


It was real. It was all real.

Brendon can't contain the smile that pulls to his lips as he stands up and smiles down at Zack, who's eyes are as wide as the moon. "Holy shit! Zack, do you know what this means?" He asks, his body practically bouncing with enthusiasm as he looks back at the screen to see a smiling Ryan, in the midst of shaking his head at me.

"I guess it means we traveled through time... fuck, how is that even possible?" He asks, his eyes glued to the screen in front of him in pure awe. He probably thought he was dreaming again, like he would wake up and everything will have been a dream, and he would re-watch the video and find nothing wrong. He would just give up smoking weed before bed and be done with it. Brendon, however knew better, shaking his head at the bearded man.

"No.... it means we have to go back again. I have to see Ryan again..."

"Brendon... that's... we don't even know how the hell we went back in the first place, how the hell are we going to do it again?"

"We'll figure it out."

"You know, you could just go to Echo Park and go talk Ryan in real life... in real time. Don't you think you should figure out the rest of your past?"

"No. I should go back and live it for myself."


"Zack." He quickly snaps, a sign that he has no interests on backing down from this anytime soon. "You can help me go back or I can go by myself, but I promise when I come back things will be different, and I can't promise that you'll still be here....."

"You're right, I'll have to go just to make sure you don't piss me off."

"There's my boy." Brendon says with a small smirk before stopping the dvd and chuckling gently to himself. "Now... let's go get Spencer."

In the Beginning - Rydenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن