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I had been dating my best friend, Lando Norris, for a little less than four years. At the moment, we were lying on the double bed in his room, watching a serie. In his room, it was just me and him. However, his family remained at home. As I wasn't interested in the serie at all, I started caressing her bare thigh. I was dressed only in one of his t-shirts, stolen by me, as well as my underwear, and Lando was wearing a shirt and underwear. The affection, at first, was innocent on my part. But, from his gaze and how his muscles responded to my touch, it showed that what I was doing had a double meaning for him.

-I think you better stop that- the brunette looked at my hand on his thigh, and then grabbed my wrist, pulling it away.

I swear I hadn't started the caress with sexual motives, but after seeing my boyfriend's reaction, I smiled mischievously and looked at him. I put my hand on his thigh again and I heard a sigh of disapproval coming from him, but deep down I knew he was enjoying it.

So, still caressing his thigh, I begin to give light kisses on his neck and leave some marks in the area.

-Y/N, they can hear us.- Lando said against his will, afraid that he would be caught by his family, but it didn't even matter anymore.
-It's not like they didn't know we already did it.-I resumed kissing his neck, now sitting on Norris' lap.

He barely wasted any time in grabbing my neck and kissing me. And what a kiss. I rolled slightly in his lap, receiving a heavy sigh in response between kisses. He kept his hand on me hanging in a slightly aggressive way, warming up the kiss more and more.He put his hands inside the t-shirt I was wearing, searching and massaging my breasts, which were bare. Also let slip a slight moan during the kiss when he bit my lower lip, and started kissing down through my neck.

Meanwhile, I grabbed the TV remote and, quickly and in a clumsy way,bI put my playlist on Spotify for moments like this.

With some music in the background, I continued to pay attention to my boyfriend and, at the next moment, I had the brilliant idea of ​​going through Lando's closet.

-Love, I have an idea, but you'll have to trust me, OK?

He looked at me with a slightly confused look on his face, but nodded. I rummaged through through the clothes finding the items I would use.

Two handcuffs, and a blindfold.

Recently, Norris and I have been trying new and different things during our intimacy. And today would be no different, but it would be his turn to suffer. He looked at me a little shocked, but didn't object or anything, completely excited just by imagining me dominating him.

Already knowing what I was going to do, he placed his hands on the headboard bed so I could put the handcuffs on. And so I did. Then, put the blindfold on his eyes. Getting off his lap, I went to the end of the bed, and spread his legs. I removed his underwear, almost wanting to rip them off. He could buy others...

I started provoking him, on purpose. Very slowly, so he would beg for more.

-Babe stop teasing me- I heard the handcuffs hitting the headboard, and him moving slightly.
-So bossy huh?-that was more of a statement than a question. And in response I received a muffled laugh from him.

Without further ado, I grabbed the base of his intimate area, applying a little force, but nothing that would hurt. Moving up and down frantically, Lando's hoarse moans excited me even more.

To his frustration, I abruptly stopped caressing him. Since he had the blindfold on, he didn't know what I was going to do next. And to his delight, in one fell swoop, I thrust the entire thick length of his sex into my mouth.

Literally choking.

I continued sucking him, and also seeing that he was moving because of the handcuffs. He hated not touching and seeing me at these moments, so it was a kind of pleasurable torture for both of them.

-Baby, I'm almost there- he said, and so I sank my mouth even further on his cock, starting to feel it pulsate and become more swollen.

In a few seconds, I could feel his taste in the back of my throat, already alerting me that he had cum, hearing his moan, screaming my name, I got up from the position I was in, already feeling the weight of moisture in my panties. I remove Lando's handcuffs, and as soon as I take off the blindfold he pulls me in for a very needy kiss.

Norris was quick to reverse our positions and get on top of me, choking me with his hand one hand and the other was on my breasts. He quickly removed my blouse, and since I wasn't wearing a bra, it accelerated everything.

He started kissing my neck, and I moaned slyly in response. He hadwhy be so long? However, as all happiness is short-lived, a scared Cisca was in our field of vision. His sister had entered the room, and we didn't even notice.

-Cisca!- Lando shouted, taking the t-shirt I was wearing, positioning it against my chest and I tried to cover Lando, placing my hands in his intimate area. -My God, I'm sorry! I-I don't, OK, I'm leaving now.- she said with the palm of her hand in her eyes, turning around to leave the room.
-Damn, knock on the door next time.- Norris said as soon as she closed the door, and I murmured, looking at him, "She must have knocked, we didn't hear."
-That ruined the mood, didn't it? - I nodded - I'll kill her.
-Baby calm down - I laughed at his angry manner, putting my t-shirt back on - it was by accident.
-When she and her boyfriend are having sex, I'll go into her room.

Norris said, dressing back up, and lying on my chest. I started stroking his head. We stayed like that until we were called for dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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