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Timeline: After MoonVasion

"Huey watch out!" Della screamed as she jumped in front of Huey to protect him from a giant fin about to swing into him.

The Fin of the giant water monster slammed into Della causing her to fly across the cave-like room into the wall. Everyone else looked at her making sure she was alright.
Her robot leg had banged against the wall so hard that it was crumpled badly with deep dents all over it. It was wrecked for sure. She did not realize this at first and tried to stand up and take a step and her face met ground.

"Donald! Go get Della! Me and the kids will fend the monster off!" Scrooge ordered.

Donald ran towards Della who was sat up and looking worried while she examined the broken prosthetic. Donald propped up Della on his shoulder helping her skip back to the plane.
He helped her sit down in the pilot seat.

"I don't think I can fix this the metals totally busted," Della sadly said.
"It's alright," Donald said reassuringly, "Uncle Scrooge can get you a new one."
"Yeah your right, thanks, Donald. So, are we just going to chill here till they get back or-"

Before she could finish her sentence Uncle Scrooge and the kids came back inside the plane with a chest full of magic jewels.

"You alright Della?" her uncle asked concerned.

"oh ya, legs wrecked though, gonna need a new one."


Donald and Scrooge had helped Della get to the living room and they called a doctor over to size Della for a new leg. They left her with a wheelchair to get around with for the next month while they built the new prosthetic and that was it.

about a week in the gang all went adventuring again, Donald insisted on staying with her but Della refused. Donald still overprotective and concerned, had Penumbra stay with her while they all went out.

"Nice! Best friend day!" Della shouts excitedly.

"I don't know what that is," Penumbra responded.

"We just, hang out and go places together and stuff! We can take the car and drive downtown! This is going to be so much fun!" Della yelled, throwing her hands up in the air with excitement.

So Penny took the handles of the wheelchair, smiled nervously, and brought Della to the car.


Penny stopped the car in a grocery store parking space. Penny had driven the car because it was hard for Della to drive with one leg, and also Penny wanted to practice her driving do it worked out for both of them.

Penny and Della got out of the vehicle, Penny helping Della back into her chair once they were out.

"Let's get some drinks!" Della said.

Della spun her own wheels to move foreword as Penumbra walked slowly beside her. Together they went into a boba place. As they were walking into the line Della accidentally pinned the front of her wheelchair into a man in front of them.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir-" Della said quickly as she apologized to the man.
He then cut her off,
"How dare you bump into me you undignified disabled freak!"
Della looked hurt, while Penny was full of rage.
"How dare you say that to her! You have no idea what she's been through!" Then she took the boba the man was holding in his hand, took the lid on and poured it down his shirt.

They then went up to the counter, Della ordered for the 2 of them and they went and found a table.
"Thanks, Penny," Della said, "but he was right about one thing, I am a disabled freak."
"Of course not!" Penny spoke up, "I mean, disability yes, but freak no! You can't help if you were made like this!"
I wasn't made like this, I used to have two legs. And then I was stupid and went to the moon."
Della then pulled out a photograph from inside her jacket and showed it to Penny.
It was a photo of Della beside her plane, her now metal leg propped up in a rock as she waved at the camera.
"I-I" Penny stuttered, "I'm sorry," she finally finished. Della set her hand on top of Penny's as if to let her know it was alright.


Della and Penumbra had eventually gone back to the mansion, and not long after everyone else got home as well. Penny had to go home and everyone got prepared for bed.
I don't even know where I'm going with this FF. I just love Della Duck and think there isn't enough stories about her so I made one

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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