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It's a regular night in Beacon Hills stars twinkling bright and the moon shining white. Moriah was already done getting ready for bed and now was just reading a book about the oppression in a fictional government aka Hunger Games. She was inspired by Katniss she loves how she was standing up to her oppressors and wishes she could do that herself but she would probably be killed for just attempting it. Then bursting into her room was her cousin Francisco but he likes the nickname Frankie

"JEEZ, what do you want candy, weed, coke anything so you can get out of my room," Moriah said with a huff.

"Well damn I didn't know you were in a bad mood but you know the gang is gonna go to the skate park tomorrow after school right," Frankie said in his calm don't care voice.

Her face twisted looking confused cause she didn't ask about the hangout tomorrow she just wanted to be left alone before the day of hell she going to experience the next day.

"Well did you know I didn't give a shit plus you can't even go you have to babysit Maria?" She said tiredly with her head lying on her pillow

Maria is her baby cousin her pride and joy the most innocent thing she has ever known. She was born five months ago Moriah still remembered the look on her face when she first saw her it was pure happiness something that she hadn't felt for a long time.

"Why can't you babysit her please I will pay you that twenty bucks I owe you." Frankie pleaded with desperation in his voice

"You know damn well I have work tomorrow at the pet shelter and you spent that twenty bucks on rolling paper for your joints."

"You have me there fine I will babysit her if when you come back from work you get me Mcdonald's," Frankie said smiling ear to ear

"Are you kidding me right now nigga I barely get money for that job and you think I can buy McDonald's." She said frustrated she earns less than minimum wage and he asking for McDonald's broke ass bitch.

"But- ."

"No do you have Mcdonald's money?" Moriah asks.

A moment of silence .....

"I didn't think so now get out I need to sleep," Moriah said tiredly again

A look of disdain on his face wanted to make her laugh but she decided against it and he turned around and closed the door. Left to rest she started to chain her feet to her bed. She used to have really bad sleepwalking spells. She would find herself waking up in caves or dens in the forest with blood everywhere mostly around her mouth.

That's why her mom made her install chains around her bedpost so whenever she wants to get out of bed she gets yanked back. When she first installed it she had a massive cut and bruising around her ankles it looked like her ankles were mauled by a bear. But they always heal. Well, it won't hurt to not have them on tonight right? She thought nothing really bad would happen. Now here she was sleeping without her chains suddenly she felt her body rise from her bed.

She was still asleep eyes closed and everything. The leaves crunching under her undressed feet she felt alive more than when she was awake she was doing all the things she could do before but better. Running, jumping everything she was halfway in the Beacon Hills Park when she sensed the duo Stiles and Scott. She was lurking, waiting for them to let their guard down so she could hunt.

"We're seriously doing this?" Scott said scared walking through the Beacon Hills Preserve behind his best friend.

"You're the one always bitching that nothing happens in this town," Stiles said in a sassy tone Scott was right nothing happens in this stupid town. There were occasionally a few shootings in the bad part of Beacon Hills where Moriah lives.  But that's it, nothing that mattered.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow," Scott admitted

Stiles snidely smirked, " Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort."

The lacrosse team in Beacon Hills High School was the biggest in the school and Scott and Stiles were always the benchwarmers never getting to play because they suck. Moriah saw them practicing in the field last year while she was skipping the fourth period. They suck.

"No because I'm playing this year I'm making the first line," Scott said hopefully the first line was like A-list celebrities they were always popular and rich plus they were always playing in the games.

Everyone either hates them or loves them except for Jackson. There is no choice everyone hates him. Except his girlfriend Lydia Martin the girl that Moriah despises.

Stiles looks back at him with disbelief he knows that they suck at lacrosse and sometimes he thinks how did he even get on the team maybe it's nepotism.

"Hey, that's the spirit! Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles said sarcastically

Meanwhile, Moriah is still in the forest watching Scott and Stiles. But then she senses something another being like her but bigger and monster-like.  With red eyes piercing through her skin even in her most powerful she was scared. The thing starts to move away from her like he was scared more than she was scared of him

The boys walk in silence before Scott opens his mouth in a sarcastic tone.  "Just out of curiosity which half of the body are we looking for?"

Sheepishly Stiles responds "Huh I didn't think even about that."

"And, uh what if whoever killed the body is still out here." Said Scott in a curious tone

Stiles embarrassed "Also something I didn't think about." Scott rolls his eyes in amusement and the duo starts to hike up a hill.

"It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail," Scott said sarcastically with a usual response from his best friend "I know ."

Hiking up the hill started being tricky for weak lung friend. "Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?"

Stiles notices something higher on hill "Wait come on." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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