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LENORA WOKE UP FROM HER PEACEFUL SLUMBER by her mother banging on the door of her room

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LENORA WOKE UP FROM HER PEACEFUL SLUMBER by her mother banging on the door of her room. She slowly opened her eyes but quickly closed them again, trying to adjust to the brightness peaking through her navy blue curtains.

''Lenora! Get up! We have to leave in 20 minutes'', her mother Lyra shouted through the door. ''Shit!''

Either her mother hadn't heard her curse, or she just elected to ignore it. Lenora put her bets on the latter.

 Lenora swiftly shot up from her bed and looked at her alarm clock, that for some reason hadn't rung.

In a moment of frustration and anger, she picked up the clock and tossed it across her room, the clock hitting the wall, making a huge crashing noise. ''What was that?'' Her mother shouted from downstairs. ''Nothing!'' Lenora responded as she frantically searched for a pair of socks in the mess that she called her room. 

After finding a pair of socks - one red, one blue- she sprinted down the stairs and slammed the door behind her. She made her way through their small cottage-like home to the kitchen and poured herself a bowl of cereal and sat down next to her mother at the kitchen table.

Lenora lived in a small, cozy house with a lively garden and a nice porch with her mother, Lyra. She was an only child and Lenora's father, Benjamin, had passed away when she was just 5 years old so it was just her and her mother. She didn't have many memories of her father, and her mother always got sad when talking about him, so she didn't want to burden Lyra with asking too many questions.

Lyra calmly read the Daily Prophet as Lenora was scarfing down her bowl of cereal. ''Did you sleep well?'' Lyra asked. ''Uh-huh'' Lenora mumbled, her mouth full of cereal. ''You do have everything packed," her mother further inquired,  "don't you?'' 

''Yeah, everything is exactly where it's supposed to be,'' Lenora said confidently. Lyra raised an eyebrow.

She did not, in fact, have everything packed.

Lenora rapidly stuffed clothes in her trunk and brushed her blonde locks with urgency. Her hair always got unbearably tangled in her sleep because of all the moving she did while sleeping. One time she had woken up with her head on the wrong end of the bed and her pillows scattered on the floor. 

After stuffing her trunk as full as humanly possible, she made her way downstairs where her mother was already waiting for her.

✹ ✹ ✹

The Kings Cross Station was bustling with people and it was difficult to move without bumping into anyone. However the pair successfully made their way to platform 9¾, looked around to see if anyone was watching and ran through the column between platform 9 and 10. 

Platform 9¾ was, if somehow possible, even busier than the rest of Kings Cross. Lenora turned to face her mother. "Remember to write every week and behave", Lyra said firmly, but not unkindly.

 The previous year Lenora had gotten wrapped up in a prank done by the mischievous group of James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew and somehow gotten blamed for it as the boys walked away free.

 She had detention with professor Binns for a week and it was absolute torture. The fact that her mother couldn't let go of the incident only made it worse.

After she assured her mother that she would behave and not party or drink any alcohol or get into any other trouble, Lyra placed a gentle kiss on Lenora's head and let her daughter go. Lenora pushed her way through the mass of people on the platform, a few occasional yelps coming from people she bumped into. She set foot on the train and lifted her trunk beside her with great difficulty. 

Maybe packing everything in sight in a panic wasn't a great idea.

Her eyes lifted from her trunk when she heard loud laughter. James Potter and Sirius Black were walking towards the train. Potter was laughing at something Black said and though Lenora would never admit it to anyone, she found Potter quite attractive.

Potter had grown taller and leaner over the summer. He had clearly trained a lot for quidditch. His hair was unruly as ever, but the look suited him.

Before she could get caught staring, she picked up her trunk and left to find her friends. In the corridor she passed a smiling Pandora, who she warmly greeted and chatted with for a moment.

Pandora told her that her head was full of wrackspurts, whatever that meant. Pandora was a little eccentric at times but that didn't mean she wasn't good company. She was a good listener and Lenora appreciated that.

She passed a compartment with the mischievous group in it. She had no idea how the two boys she had just seen on the platform, had somehow slipped past her but chose not to dwell on it too much. 

You never knew with those boys. They could all be illegal animagi for all anyone knew.

Finally arriving at the compartment with her friends in it, she lifted her trunk and put it in the overhead compartment, then proceeding to sit down next to a very chipper looking Lily Evans. 

"Someone's chipper this morning", said Lyra curiously. "Oh you know, I'm just excited to go back to Hogwarts", Lily stated. ''She's lying!" Marlene laughed, "Amos Diggory smiled at her on the platform.''


Mary snorted as Lily faked a gasp of hurt. ''That is so not true!'' A blush crept on Lily's cheeks. Lyra grinned. It felt good to be back with her friends she had so dearly missed.



This is kind of the first thing I've ever written on wattpad and i feel like it's definitely not my best work but I hope it's somewhat enjoyable to read anyway :)

Feel free to give any advice on what to improve, what to fix ect. !


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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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