Chapter Nine ||A Day With Damion Part 1||

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After my classes were over, I got a text from Alex. He said Ando was having a littlespace sleepover birthday party, and everyone was invited.

It started tomorrow at 12.

I texted them back, saying I'll be there tomorrow before shoving my phone in my pocket and left to my apartment.

I continued to think about the dream I had this morning before plopping my body on the couch to watch some tv.

My face heated at the thought of that dream. 'How the hell am I supposed to face Damion?' I thought to myself as I went to make me a bowl of strawberries.

As I looked at the strawberries, it took me back to when Damion bought my groceries. Everything is reminding me of that scary ass man. I sighed and looked at the vegetables he bought for me and thought about throwing them away. I changed my mind and thought about donating then to charity to not waste it.

I took my vegetables and put them in a plastic bag to donate them instead of doing it later, but when I opened my door, Damion was standing there leaning on the door frame.

"You're in big trouble, Buckley..." I felt a bunch of chills run down my spine. I was so confused. "Wait, what? For what?" I tilted my head.

"Where do you think you're going with that bag..." Does he - no, that's impossible.

"Uhh, just taking some things to donate, you know?" I chuckled nervously.

I watched his eyes narrow.

"Tell me what's in the bag." I glared at him.
"I don't have to tell you shit!" Wrong move that I regretted.

He looked pissed. His pupils shrinked as his veins popped on his neck and hands.

"I-I mean I was kidding. I do have to tell you everything you know?" He still glared but just breathed it all out before making eye contact with me, which I hate.

"Listen, let's talk about it," he said, which I nodded. "Come in its cold as fuck!" He glared at me and I looked away.

I gave him a tour of my room, the bathroom, the living room, and lastly, to two locked doors that were to never be opened.

"Any questions? Sorry if there wasn't much, " I awkwardly shrugged.

"No no its quite alright. You have a cozy home, but yeah, actually. What's with the locked door?" he asked me, which made me nervous.

"It used to be my nursery..."

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