Going Home

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Singing along with the music that was playing on radio, I looked in the rear view mirror to see Lucy fast asleep. Her head was on her left shoulder and her juice was about to drop in the floor. Oh how she made my heart ache.

25 more miles until we'll hit River Town, home of the River Pack. I smiled as I thought of my old pack, I missed my old friends. We still wrote each other, but it wasn't the same. Only a few knew about Lucy, and I was going to keep it that way. I looked around at the country roads, it was amazing it was to be here again. I've been leaving in the city for about 3 years now, to tell you the truth I didn't really like it. The bright lights were horrible, I couldn't never see the stars. An my wolf couldn't never get a run unless I rode 10 miles.

I saw the old diner where me and my friends use to go to when we were younger, a smile grew on my face. I'll have to take Lucy there some time, she'll love it. I knew I was getting closer, my wolf was getting nervous. We could sense our mate was close, and that made her excited.

I pulled into the drive way, looking up at the house and sighed. Nothing has changed, why would it. I got out and went to Lucy's door.

"Lucy, honey." I shook her arm. "We are here, you need to get up." She pushed me away, and opened her eyes.

"Is Aunt Evie here?" I rolled my eyes and laughed and her question. "Yes, Aunt Evie is here." It was like Christmas morning. "Let's go, let's go!!" She tried to unbuckle herself, but she was excited she couldn't.

"Calm down Lucy." I unbuckled her and got her out of the car. "Wait her." I went to get our bags, but I her scream. "LUCY?!"

"Aunt Evie!!" I looked around and saw Evie running out of the door towards the car, to pick up Lucy. "My Monkey!!" Evie yelled back. Tears started to fall as I watched them hug and talk, Evie was my best friend. She was like sister, she visited us all the time. When she met her mate John, they both started to visit. He was perfect for her.

Evie sat Lucy down and came over to me, tears in her eyes. "Rose..." She wrapped her arms around me and started to cry. "I love you." I hugged her tight, and cried.

"I love you too Eve."

"What's wrong mommy?" I looked down to see Lucy watching us crying.

"We just missed each other honey." Evie smiled, and picking up Lucy. We looked at each knowing it was much more.

I some about to get out bags when Evie smacked my hands. "John will get those goof! come inside honey." She grabbed my hand and pulled my inside, thank God. It was hot outside. Once inside I saw the pack house hadn't changed either. It all looked the same.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"I do!" Lucy yelled. I smiled at the expression on her face, she wasn't shy.


"This was once your home Rose, don't act like you're a stranger." Evie glared at me. She lead us to to the kitchen and sat Lucy in a chair. "What do you want?"


"No, you're getting water." Lucy gave me her glare.

"No I'm not!" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Excuse me Lucille Rose?" I used her full name, she knew I meant business. Her eyes went big and she hung her head.

"I'll drink water..."

"That's what I thought." Evie was holding in a laugh as she poured our water.

"You'll be staying across the hall from me and John." She smiled at me. "I'm so happy."

"Yeah. Me too." Happy I get to see my friends, but not why I'm coming home. An I'm not happy he's going react when he finds out about Lucy....

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