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"Mommy?" I turned over to face a very sleepy Lucy.

"Yes honey?"

"When are going to meet that man you told me about?" She yawned and snuggled up with the wolf I bought when she born.

"When you wake up from your nap." I smiled down at her and kissed her forehead, Evie and John wore her out playing with her in the backyard.

"Okay, well I'll take fast nap then. I'm excited." She yawn again and closed her deep brown eyes, like Ashton... I sighed and got up from the bed. Ready to face him.

"Are you okay Rose?" I shook my head as I looked at my hands.

"No, I'm not." Evie was waiting for me in the hallway. "I'm so scared Evie, what if he don't want her?" Tears rolling down my face.

"Well he'd be one shity man if he didn't want his own kid." Her voice full of hate. "I'll take her if he don't want her, you know that." She pulled me in close, and kissed my forehead. "John told me Ashton has come in from training, so let's go see him in his office... Are you ready?" She gave me a warm smile.

"Not really, but I have do this."

We walked down stairs and down a hallway, I could smell him dirt and mint... My wolf was going crazy.

"Good luck." She rubbed my arm and walked away.

I was about to knock. "Come in Rosalie." My heart stopped, hearing his voice again. I wanted to run and hide. "I said come in." Using his alpha voice. My wolf obeyed and I opened the door. I gasped when I saw him, he hasn't changed at all. Same short black hair, tan skin, deep brown hair... I wanted to go over and touch him. Feel the sparks agains, but I knew I couldn't. I'll never feel them again. "Sit down. We have something to talk about, yes?" I nodded my head yes, not trusting my voice. I walked over to the chair.

I started to look around his office, his books, the large piles of papers on his desks, then something caught my eye. Pictures of a child on his walls... Not just any child, but Lucy. I saw a few pictures of me with her, in the park and one when we was swimming in her baby pool. He already knew...

I faced him, his face was soft but his eyes were full of hatred. "You hid her from me." His voice was low, if I wasn't a werewolf I wouldn't of been able to hear him.

"I didn't hide her Ashton, I just tell you." I glared at him. "I was scared." I through my hands in the air. "I was scared you would rejected her, and I didn't want her to go through that. She's only -"


"Yes, four. Why were was you watching us?"

"You'd think I wouldn't keep taps on my daughter?" He growled. "She's mine to... Why come back now?" I looked down at my hands. "Look at me Rosalie, why come back. I know you don't need money. What is it?"

"I'm sick Ashton." Tears started to fall from my eyes. "I'm dying." I looked up at him, and he looked broken.

"What?" His voice cracked. "What do you mean your dying?"

"I have cancer Ashton and I only have few months to live, I needed to make sure Lucy knew who her father was before I died. Made sure she had a safe place to live to live."

He growled, hitting his desk. Making me jump out of my seat. "Get out." I looked at him, he was fighting his wolf. "Out Rosalie!" I ran out of his office and outside. I started to cry. It finally hit me, I'm going to die. I'm going to leave my daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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