Chapter 1

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n memwal, aslands, There was a king named Mitch Sanders and his three sons, the oldest Simon the middle Damien, and the youngest Hunter. the king told his sons to get married and give him some grandkids so the two Elvis got married. the First Time Mary was staying in and his wife Natalia Wells, and Simon with his wife Addison coleman. the youngest has yet to married so King Mitch decided to go talk to him. I still can't walk to Hunter's door he hears him talking so he decides to listen and Hunter says why can't someone love me for my personality than my title or looks as he tells his me Diana who has been in love with him since she was assigned Tim just as she was going to confess her feelings the king walked in and told him if he wanted to he could travel to find his true love as he said this Hunter started to pack immediately the first place he wanted to travel to was Greece and said sail. after he set sail Diana went to the witch mistress Wanda who prophesized her to marry the prince so she could roll the kingdom and told her everything Wanda was so angry that the king sent his son away before she could even get Santa a love potion he gives it now she has to wait.

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