Chapter Two

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"LOW ON FUEL. HEAD IN after this lap, Iz." the sound of my race engineer, Marcus Dudley, voice hit my ears. "Good couple laps, I have a good feeling about the race Sunday."

I entered the pit lane, slowing my car down to the limit and then pulled into the garage. Free practice went very well. The car felt firm, no sliding and we had very good pace. As long as I do well during qualifying tomorrow, I hopefully will be getting a podium Sunday.

I got out of my car, nodding over to some of the other engineers as I made my way to Christian.

As I got closer, my head began to pound. I've always had headaches after races, but never after just a couple laps. "Hey, are you okay?" Max said, jogging over to me. He must of seen me struggling to walk when he was getting out of his car. "Iz?" Max said again, now holding me up by my waist. He's always been over protective like this, always worried that something was wrong of someone hurt me.

"I'm good." I said softly. "I must be a little dehydrated or something."

"You sure? I can take you to the medic if you need?"

"No, no! I'm fine, Max." I smiled, hoping he would just drop it.

It wasn't because I was dehydrated, it was because I haven't ate in two days. Ever since Charles and I fought outside of Christians office, I haven't been able to physically eat.

Charles was right. I'm pathetic.

God I love Kaden with all my heart, but I can't help but have a feeling that forcing Charles and I together will only cause more harm to Kaden then good.

I glanced over at Ferrari garage that was located next us. I heard some information from Marcus that Ferrari hasn't been doing well in the past two free practices today. Carlos' engine gave out, and Charles' had an oil leak, meaning both didn't even have the chance to practice this past round.

"Iz, I'm worried about you." Max's voice brought me back to reality. "Ever since Charles burst through the doors of Christians office, you haven't been yourself."

What does he expect? Two days ago Charles Leclerc basically made me feel like a piece of shit for not wanting to work together. And a day before that, my best friends died. And Max knows how much the death of Jasmine and Jacob broke me... because he was the one who held me in his arms as I sobbed all night.

"It's just been a rough week, Max."

"I know it has." he sighed, walking with me as we made our way over to Christian. "Maybe you shouldn't race this weekend. I know Ferrari were thinking about keeping Charles from—"

"Max." I stopped him. "I've worked my ass off to be in formula one. You know that. But everyone is waiting for me to fail, I cannot let emotions get the best of me."

For the past two years, everyone has been out to get me. The media has portrayed me as the bad guy within forumula one, the fans hate me for Charles and I's rivalry, then there are people within f1 that have said some shitty things about me being a female, and it's all taken a toll. I've learned how far I must go to finally gain the respect I deserve, and that means winning an world championship.

Missing even one race will ruin those chances.

We're on our third race of the year in Australia and I'm currently tied for first with Charles, and max is right behind us. I earned a win the first race, Charles placed second. The race after that, it was the other way around.

I cannot mess up, not in the slightest.

Without thinking, my eyes scanned over the Mercedes garage. Toto Wolff stood there, talking to his drivers passionately, a smile on his face. A sudden pit formed in my stomach. If only he knew who I was. I've wanted to storm into that garage so many times and tell that man how he broke my heart before I was just a little kid for not wanting me, but I never could bring myself to do it.

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