Sneek Peek

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Coardents: Unkown

Run! Run! The ground exploded as a small group of tall beings ran through the debris. "We won't make it Prima," said a femme holding a bundle of rags close to her. "Well make it Solus! Keep running!" The ground shook, and one of the beings lost his footing, falling to the ground. Prima looked back stopping for a minute before going back to help the Mech up to his peds. "Thank you, Prima," he said as they continued running towards the ship. "Anytime, Quintus" Prima said as they cached up to the others. "Are you sure that this is what Primus desires of us?" Quintus asked as they ran through smoke and fire. "Yes we must keep her safe as well as the Matrix, it is the only way to keep them safe from Megatronus and Unicron," Prima said as he came up next to the rest of the group. "Nexus Prime, Alpha Trion, Vector Prime, and Micronus Prime will help Primus while we escape," said Solus as she held the bundle of rags closer to her. "Still, I feel as if we are needed to help them," said one mech looking over to the fight behind them still raging on. "We will see them again Onyx, If it is not here then it will be in the Allspark," said Prima. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" an angry cry came from behind the fleeing Primes. Solus looked behind them still running. A black Mech was running after them a few primes behind him trying to slow him down but it was no use he was gaining on them.

"Megatronus!" She said as she held the bundle closer to her. "GO, GO, GO!" Prima said pushing them forward towards the ship, now only a few feet away. Megatronus threw a sword toward Solus cutting deep into her left ped. She cried out as she dropped the bundle. "No!" she said as the black mech ran towards it. Suddenly he was struck down by a huge sword. A huge white mech called out to her in a deep and urgent voice. "Solus Run!" She nodded ignoring the pain as she quickly continued to run picking up the bundle in the process. "Quickly over here!" She saw a green mech waving her to the ship as it started rising from the ground. She took a few big strides and jumped. A servo grabbed her injured ped. She threw the bundle toward him as she barely managed to gain hold of the ship's opening. She looked down. Megatronus smiled evilly as he started to climb up toward the opening of the ship. She looked up towards Onyx and then towards the bundle. She smiled "Liege, Goodbye my dearest brother, take care of her for me," Liege's eyes widened as he realized what the femme was about to do. "Solus No!" But it was too late. She let go falling into the chaos that ensued below. Liege held the bundle in his arms tight to his chassis. Holding back tears he quickly shut the hatch walking solemnly to the cockpit where the others were. Prima was the first to notice him. "Where is Solus?" he asked but in his eyes, he already knew that she was gone. "She... She fell, along with Megatronus. She saved her," He held out the rags carefully unfolding them till they reviled a small sparkling. Her small frame was dented and chipped from the chaos they had left behind, but underneath the gunk and grime, was pearl-white armor rimmed with gold and blue detailing. "Here, give her to me," Quintus said taking the young femme. "I will check her injuries," he then headed to the med bay of the ship leaving the five primes to discuss important matters. As soon as Quintus left Prima quickly headed to the cockpit looking for where they would now go. "We need to go somewhere no one will find the matrix and the femme," someone said behind him. Prima vented. "I know Amalgamous, but together they would be unsafe." The big mech nodded at his words. "I will go with her and take care of her," Amalgamous said with no hesitation in his voice. Prima looked at him with thanks. "That is a wise decision, we will discuss it with the others when Quintus returns." With that, they returned to their stations.

While in the med bay Quinus was checking the young femme for any injuries. She giggled as he slowly placed his servos on her arms checking for anything out of place. He smiled at her "Why aren't you a ticklish sparkling." he said as he tickled her face plate getting even more giggles in return. He chuckled picking her up. "Well, nothing seems to be out of place. Let's go see what the others are up to shall we?" As they left the med bay and heeded to the cockpit blaring sirens sounded around the ships. The young sparkling hid her helm in Quintus's chassis putting her servos on her audio receptors. "Quintus we've hit an astroid field!" A voice said coming from down the hall Quintus looked and saw a figure running towards them. "Alchemist, what is going on here? There shouldn't be any fields near us" Quintus asked as the ship began to shake even more causing him to hold on to the young sparkling in his arms tighter. "We do not know it just came at us out of nowhere," The ship started to shake more furiously. "We need to get to the cockpit," said Quintus. They started heading down the hallway quickly meeting up with the others. "Prima what is happening!" Quintis said trying to find his footing in the rocking ship. "I don't know but we might need to use the stasis pods if matters become worse," Prima said looking at the cockpit where the masses of rock were shown outside. "But there is only one stasis pod available," said Onyx in worry. Prima looked towards Amalgamous. "If things get out of hand I need you to take her and leave." Amalgamous nodded taking the sparking from Quintus. Just then a huge meteor crashed into the cockpit smashing the controls. "Head to the stasis pod!" Prima yelled. Everyone ran down the hall coming to a stop. Alchemist started up the stasis pod readying it for evacuation. "Here," he said as it opened. Amalgamous turned to the others. "What about you? What about the Matrix?" Prima stepped toward him. "Do not worry we will find a way to meet with you aga-" The ship rocked to the side in a sudden dip. Everyone stumbled to the right. Amalgamous lost hold of the young femme as he slammed next to the stasis pod. The young sparkling was thrown in the door locking. "No!" said Leige as he pounded on the glass trying to get the scared young femme out. "Launching In T-minus 5... 4... 3..." "Get her out!" said Prima as they all tried to open the pod. "2... 1... Lunching now," the pod launched forward sending it into the black of space. "No!" said Leige as he pounded on the glass seeing the pod get smaller and smaller. "No, No! PRIMIS!"


Dun Dun Dun!!!!! What will happen! hopefully this is a good cliffhanger to stop on, tell me in the comments if you like the story and if it dose good I'll continue.(Also mind the bad spelling and grammar I'm still working on that) Also I might need another name for the book so shout out some suggestions.

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