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Inspired by the writing prompts of @nimixe on Tumblr


You are in a secret relationship with Kirsten of Jam Republic. You are unaware that your  crew members notice how affectionate you are when around Kirsten. Team Bebe is very happy for you when you finally comes clear about it but Bada isn't too fond of the situation because she is hiding a huge secret that has been weighing on her for a long time. She is in love with her best friend.


Heavy breathing surrounding the room. Sweat dripping from the women's faces. Sounds of synchronized footsteps filled the room.

"Again, Kyma, keep up. You're a beat behind everyone else."

The tall female said as she watched her crew members practice for their next crew battle.

"Unnie, can we stop? We've been at it for 2 hours, and my legs feel like jelly."

The short, blonde, asked as her legs gave in, as she dramatically fell to the floor.

"Oh yeah, guys, I'm sorry. I lost track of time. We'll work on this more tomorrow after filming."

Cheers filled the room as the younger ones went to grab their belongings and head out of the studio.

"Bye, see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye, Unnie."

"Hey, Y/N, you coming, or are you going to sleep here tonight?"

The younger one looked up from her phone, not realizing that everyone had left and it was just her and Bada still in the dance studio.

"Oh shit, I'm coming."

"What's so important that you have your phone basically glue to your fucking face?"

"Oh, nothing."

" Oh, come on, I'm your best friend, tell me."

"Bada, I promise it's nothing."

Bada just shrugged it off, not wanting to pry anymore. Maybe,it very is nothing.

"Oh my God, are you fucking serious right now?!"

"Why didn't you tell us, idiot?"

"We're so happy for you!"

"So....have you guys like.....done it yet?"

The girls had so many questions now that you told them about your relationship with Kirsten. You were so happy that they don't look at you in a different light now that you basically came out to them.

"What's going on? What did I miss?"

Bada walked into the studio to see all the girls standing around you like you were some type of exhibit.

"Unnie, Y/N Unnie has a girlfriend!!!!"

Minah said, jumping up and down with excitement.

"Oh, and you'll never guess who it is."


"Kirsten of Jam Republic."

Bada just stood there with an unrecognizable expression on her face. It's almost like she was shocked, confused, angry, hurt, and jealous.

"Ummm....  well, don't let this fuck up our chance to make it to finals."

Bada said coldly as she took off her backpack and walked over to set up for practice. The girls stood there in complete shock, they never seen Bada this way before. All the girl have told Bada about their relationships and she was always so happy for us so what is the difference now.

"Let's go, girls. We have lots to go over and fix so get in formation."

As practice continued, you caught yourself in your head too much, tripping over yourself and bumping into your members. You tried to get back into your spot in this song and ended up bumping into Bada. You quickly backed up and looked down at the floor, too afraid to look up at Bada. You could feel Bada's eyes burning a hole into the top of your head.


"Yeah, whatever,  just get your shit together, Y/N."

Bada said, shoulder checking you as she walked past to go stop the music. You stumbled back a bit from that shoulder check and that was your last straw.

"What is your fucking problem, Bada Lee? Huh..... What the fuck did I do to you?"

The girls gasped at your lack of honorifics towards the older female and leader. Bada stopped dead in her tracks and turned towards that younger female.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Bada Lee. What. Is. Your. Fucking. Problem?"

Bada smirked, tilting her head letting out a light chuckle, as the short girl stepped towards her with every word she said. You looked up at her with your head tilted as well, waiting for her answer.

"What is it, Bada Lee? Do you not want me to be happy?"

"No, of course, I want you to be happy so don't even go there."

"So, what is it? Why are you so pissed off? Tell me, Bada Lee."


Bada hesitates a little, looking over at Tatter for reassurance. Tatter nodded towards her with a light yet warm smile.

"Because.....what, Bada. Just say it."

" Because I love you, Y/N!! So so so much!! More than just friends like I want to be with you."


END OR IS IT.....................................

A/N: I hope you enjoy bc I really had fun writing it. I'm open to any feedback and request that you may have. Thanks for reading!!!

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