Introduction Part 1

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 Before I start this story I figured it would be rude to not explain some things. As you probably saw this is a Lucifer x TUA crossover story (and some arrowverse stuff like crisis on infinite earths, krypton, etc) This story will mainly focus on the Umbrella academy, elementals, and Lucifer characters (and later Fate, the Winx Saga)

The first act will be based on their time in the commission. And then it will flash forward to the Pre crisis in act 2.

Here's some Celestial 101.

When the multiverse was created, God recruited Celestials to help with controlling it, which led to other gods and goddesses being recruited. When Lucifer was cast out of heaven and started a war some of the gods and goddesses decided to join him. To help fight this war each god and goddess chose a group of mortals and put a marker in their DNA to match their element called Fairies by other mortals but element soldiers by the celestials. After the war, Celestials decided it would be best if they had an heir to their throne in case another war happened and the elementals are a few of these kids.

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