2: "Mortals Can't Compare To Us Gods."

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Ember and Five were training when Ember threw Five on the ground.

"Still haven't gotten use to that." The boy said

"Really? You must be stupid then."

Five got up and spoke " You know we've known each other for months and you know so much about me but I can't figure you out."

"I don't think you can handle it."

"I can handle it."

"The last time you said that you ended up in the apocalypse."

Five was about to say something, when a tall brunette woman walked in.

"What do you want Alicia?" Ember asked

"Blaze has a mission for you, Ember. A very important one." Alicia spoke, handing her a file.

"Surprised he didn't give me one sooner."

"Well he wasn't exactly thrilled about you being paired up with a mortal." Alicia responded, glancing at the boy.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Five asked

"You didn't tell him about the celestial business? Have fun explaining that one."

Ember was putting her weapons in her suit as Five rattled her with questions.

"What the hell is going on Ember? What are you? And none of this, 'you wouldn't be able to understand it' bullshit. I want the truth."

"I'll explain when I get back. I promise. And in my family we tell the truth. What I am is not a liar." Ember said, before leaving.

Their conversation puzzled the boy as he waited desperately for all his questions to be answered.

Ember headed into the fire castle and was greeted by two fire soldiers.

"Lord Blaze wishes to speak with you." One of them spoke

As Ember followed the fire soldiers through the castle to the throne room, she couldn't help but be a little nervous of what he wished to speak to her about.

Blaze, along with Hades, hated her father and in turn hated her. They all fought for years over who was the true ruler of Hell. Blaze and Hades were obsessed with power and control and Ember was the best way to gain it as the next ruler of the universe.

"Ember, I'm so glad you decided to join us." Blaze spoke as she entered the throne room.

"I didn't really have a choice, did I."

Blaze signaled for the guards to leave. After Ember heard the doors slam behind her, Blaze spoke "You are one of the most powerful lifeforms to ever exist. A prophecy dating back to before light was ever born. So why is it that The Handler made your partner some mortal boy? And not even one of the stronger mortals. A human."

"Shouldn't you be asking The Handler this."

"Answer the question. You're not going soft, are you?"

"No. I believe The Handler thought I could train him with his time travel and teleportation abilities."

"Good. I just want to make sure you understand you can't let him get you. Mortals can't compare to us gods, Ember."

"I understand."

Ember stepped into the workplace of the man she was supposed to kill.  He should be easy to kill. Not many species could defeat her without her powers. Humans were no exception to this rule.

When he was alone, she slipped on her mask, that covered the bottom half of her face, and her hood. She went up to the man and quickly slit his throat and escaped.

What the poor man did to deserve it, she didn't know. But she knew she had to.

Ember stood on one of the balconies of the commission as Five came up to her.

"Hey." Five spoke

"I know I need to explain some things."

"Yes, that would be helpful."

"How much do you know about Greek and Roman mythology, the bible or any mythology for that matter?"

"My knowledge is limited but I know the basics."

"What if I told you that celestials exist. God, the devil, gods, goddesses, angels, demons, interstitial life, the multiverse, all of it exists."

"I would say you're crazy but I've seen crazier things."

"My mother is a Krytonen leader and my father is the devil. Celestials who control elements are required by the universal Council to have an heir to the throne, in order to lessen the chaos if that celestial dies. Blaze didn't have an heir so he experimented on me and my brother. I became the next ruler of fire. And due to some prophecy I'm apparently the next ruler of the multiverse."

"That's intense."

"You know there's people here that have no other choice. They have no other option or they're scared, threatened even."

"I'm suspecting you're one of them."

"I had another brother, but Blaze either killed him or sent him to his death to prove Blaze's power. I do what I do to protect my family. Just like how I know you have a mission to do the same."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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