Pancakes and Sodium

386 9 16

t/w a bit of angst, but its hurt/comfort. it starts at the beginning of  the igloo part, and ends at the next underlined word. also I swear FM and X aren't dating-

"Huh, I wonder where he could be." FM was standing just outside of the castle. The only one who seemed to be there was his best friend, X. The door opened.

"Who is it- Oh, hi FM! Everything alright?" X's cyan cap and shirt stood out against the dark background of the castle interior.

"Where's SMG4? He said he was going on a peaceful walk in Snowman's Land, but he's not returned yet, and he's been out all day yesterday, and all night! You don't think..."

"...that something bad happened to him? It's the most likely option."

FM gulped. "What if... What if it was SMG3? We NEED to go find him! Grab your winter gear, we're going to Snowman's Land!"

X grabbed a bobble hat, which was coloured the same cyan as his normal cap, as well as a green scarf. "Ready!"

"Cool, then let's go!" said FM.

"What about your-"

"I can withstand the cold, X. I'm gonna be fine."

"If you say so-" X was cut off by FM grabbing his arm and dragging him to the mirror room.


Meanwhile, in the igloo... [ANGST]


SMG4 woke up. He felt something warm against his chest. He opened his eyes to see SMG3 clinging onto him. SMG4 nudged Three's arms off of his body, before going to brush his teeth and get changed in the bathroom (he didn't want a repeat of yesterday).

When he returned to the bedroom, he saw SMG3. He was clinging onto the blanket, hugging it tightly like a stuffed animal.

"SMG3? Are you okay?" SMG4 said. He'd never seen SMG3 like this before.

"Y-yeah," he sniffled, trying to hide his tears.

SMG4 could see that Three felt hurt, and he did what he felt was right.

He gave him a hug.

Now, SMG3 wasn't expecting this response, but he didn't reject it. Instead, he stopped squeezing the blanket and started squeezing Four instead.

"Dude... what happened? Was it a bad dream?"

"I-it was m-mostly a dream," responded SMG3.

"Mostly? What do you mean?"

"A-After you c-confronted me about copying your v-videos, p-people s-started t-to..." He trailed off.

"It's alright, Three, you can tell me." 'SMG4's voice is so soothing,' SMG3 thought.

"P-people started l-leaving h-hate comments, and I-I had a d-dream th-that they were at my h-home, h-hurting me and b-being horrible to m-me..." He let out a loud sob.

"It's okay, SMG3. I'll tell them to stop sending hate, and if they ever come to your house, just gimme a ring and I'll kick their asses." SMG4 straightened as SMG3 squeezed him even tighter.

More loud sobs. "You... You'd d-do th-that?"

"Of course I will, SMG3! Some people in the world are worse than others, but nobody deserves tons of hate comments!"

SMG3 seemed to have settled down a bit. "Thank y-you, SMG4."

"No problem, Three! I'm gonna go make breakfast now, you can get dressed right now if you want to. If you need me, just gimme a shout." And with that, SMG4 left the room and closed the door.

You can look now.

A few minutes later, a much happier SMG3 left the bedroom, now in his overalls and shirt. He glanced at SMG4, who was making pancakes. "We have flour?"

"Yeah, SMG3, it was in the fridge, as per usual." It had only been one day since they had gotten snowed in, and they were already used to all the food being in the fridge, even flour and canned foods.

After a few more minutes, both men's pancakes were ready. SMG4 found some syrup, sugar and lemons (haha, lemons) in the fridge. He broke a lemon in two, then gave half to SMG3 who had his pancake-in-a-pan in front of him already.

SMG3 took one glance at the lemon, then grabbed it and squeezed it over his pancakes, making sure that everything except the seeds and bits went on his pancake.

"SMG3, that's quite a lot of lemon juice, you sure you wanna eat that?" SMG3 proceeded to almost drink the pancake, eating it in one... bite? gulp? Whatever, he ate it in one go.



"I don't like it very sweet."

SMG4 added a small dash of lemon juice to his pancake, as well as maple syrup and sugar, forming a golden, sugary goop.

"Ew, you have THAT on your pancake? That's extreme."

"Says the guy who killed a half-lemon on a single pancake." They both chuckled as they finished eating the pancakes. Then, they climbed onto the couch.

SMG4 got up, poured himself a glass of water, then walked back and sat down. A panicked look set itself upon SMG3's face.

"Get the water away from there, Four."

"Why?" He spilled the water.

"THAT'S WHERE I KEEP MY-" SMG3 ran backwards, covering 4's face with a cushion.

A bright explosion happened. Splinters of something dug into the cushion over Four's face.

"AAH-" SMG4 had a late reaction, and jumped back.

"Hey- I can't move, Four, can you let me go?" SMG4 had accidentally pinned SMG3 against the wall.

"AAHHH- SMG3 IMSOSORRY-" He blushed and stepped back, allowing SMG3 free will again.

"It's okay, SMG4. Besides, it's my fault for not telling you that's where I put the block of sodium."

"Since when did we have one of those?"

"I found it under the bed."

"Okay-" They both paused in an awkward silence.

They were staring at each other for a solid 30 seconds before SMG3 said, "Wanna watch another movie?"

"Sure," replied SMG4.

977 words.

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