Chapter One.

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   As I approach the golden gate to Sector One, I am stopped by one of the King's guards. He is much older than what I expect a guard to be, but I try not to judge. Besides, his facial expression is what gains my attention the most. He looks angry, as if he doesn't know how to smile. I've only been in his presence for a few seconds, and I already feel like he hates me.

"Name please." His tone is dismissive.

"Zuri. Zuri Stone."

      I start squinting because the sun decides that it wants to shine directly into my face.

"What business do you have here in Sector One?"

      He looks me up and down—looking at me as if I'm not human. I want to say something to defend myself but I don't want to ruin my chances of getting past the gate.

"I'm here to be interviewed to become one of the king's servants" I say proudly.

"Do you have a pass?" He looks through me.

Hoping that I didn't leave it at home, I start to rummage through my satchel, and I find my almost golden pass at the bottom.

"Here it is!"

The guard looks at my pass and then looks at me. He looks at the pass one more time and then back down at me again. It almost seems like he wants to find a reason to say that my pass is fake.

I'm growing impatient. I'm trying not to show it on my face but the muscles in my face are letting me know that I'm failing. Finally, he hands the pass back to me and then walks closer to the gate. After he pushes in a code, the gate slowly opens.

"Thank you." I say.

Smiling at the guard, I hold out my imaginary dress to curtsy before walking through the gate. When he isn't looking, I roll my eyes, then I proceed to make my way to the castle doors.


The castle is the most beautiful building I've ever seen. It is so enormous that it would probably take me days to walk around the entire place. When I reach the golden castle doors, I see another guard. This one seems nicer than the one at the gate. He sees my pass and opens the door with a smile on his face, nodding his head as I walk past him.

There is a line filled with people waiting to see the King. I walk to the back of the line and stand behind a girl who looks quite familiar to me. I don't remember where I've seen her but since she's the only face that I somewhat recognize, she's the only one that I feel comfy talking to. I politely tap her shoulder.

"Is this the line to become of the servants?" I ask.

"Yeah. We probably should've gotten here earlier." she chuckles, pulling her midnight colored hair into a ponytail.

She takes a better look at me.

"Hey, I know you. You used to live near me in Sector Two. I'm Tirzah."

"Oh, yeah, that's right! I'm Zuri." I shake her hand.

I lean to the side to look at everyone that's ahead of us in line.

"I wonder how they're going to choose who gets to become a servant." Tirzah bites the side of her lip.

"Maybe they'll have us compete to see who can clean the toilet the fastest."

Tirzah laughs. "Good thing I brought snacks. It looks like we're going to be here for a while... you can have some if you like."

"Thanks!" I say.

A few minutes have gone by, and the line is slowly getting shorter.  While I wait, I'm realizing that I never really paid much attention to the inside of the castle as I did the outside. It looks so much more beautiful than what I had imagined.

      The floor is made of champagne and crimson colored tiles. The chairs look like they're made from cloth more expensive than anything I've ever owned. There are paintings of the Kings and Queens who came before King Eron hanging on the wall, and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling that probably weighs more than four of me put together.

      The more I look around, the less excited I become. The longer I wait, the more I feel like I'm in over my head. Why am I ever here? Should I just walk out and go home? But wouldn't that be rude? Would people think I'm stupid for coming all this way and leaving?

      I must not have been paying much attention to the line because I didn't realize that there is only 8 people in front of me now.

"We're almost there." Tirzah is excited.

"I hope they choose both of us so that I can at least know one person." I adjust the strap of my satchel.

      Before I know it, it's Tirzah's turn to go inside, and now I'm more nervous than ever. I start biting my bottom lip and pacing around in circles. The guard who let me into the castle looks at me and smiles.

"Relax. You'll be fine." His voice is calm.

"Thanks, you're way nicer than the guard by the gate."

      I instantly regret what I said.

"Oh, that's Bexley. He can be a little unpleasant at times but once you get to know him... we'll, he's still unpleasant, but you'll learn to live with it."

      He and I laugh, then the doors of the throne room open again, and Tirzah walks out smiling.

"I assume you were chosen." I say.

"Yes! I'm sure you'll make it too! I'll wait here for you."

      I force a smile and try to get rid of the lump in my throat before walking into the throne room.

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