Chapter Three.

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      Our bedroom furniture is made with the most exquisite pieces of cherry wood that's polished to perfection. Our beds are draped with the finest silks, and we both have our vanity.

"Are you sure this is our room?" I say in awe.

"Yes, I'm sure." Oliver says.

"If our room looks like this, then I can only imagine what the King's room looks like." Tirzah's eyes grow so wide that they almost pop out of her head.

      Oliver tries to hold in his laughter.

"I'll leave you two to get settled into your room before Mrs. Priscilla comes to give you your assignments for today. I look forward to getting to know the both of you." Oliver nods.

      As we watch Oliver walk away, Tirzah and I begin exploring the rest of our bedroom. She immediately sits down at her vanity to look at herself in the mirror while I take a look outside of the window.

      The view is breathtaking. The groomed grass and tall trees look like something from a fairytale. However, the fairytale feeling soon comes to an end when I notice the wall beyond the castle gate that separates the two sectors.

      I think of my best friend that I left behind... Lincoln. Guilt sets in as I wonder if I made a mistake leaving him all alone in Sector Two.

      Before I can get too deep into my own thoughts, there is a loud knock coming from our bedroom door. Tirzah jumps to her feet and we both turn to see a woman standing before us in the doorway. Her dark brown, cat-shaped eyes, immediately draw me in.

"Good morning loves, my name is Priscilla. I am the lead-servant of the King. I'll be training you to be some of the best servants this castle has ever had. Get dressed. I'll be outside in the hall waiting."

      Priscilla places our uniforms onto the bed; and when she does, the sleeve of her shirt slides up, revealing a small tattoo on her wrist. It's two thin branches crossing each other to make an X. Surrounding the branches are symbols that represent the elements: earth, wind, fire, and water.

"At least we'll look cute while cleaning." Tirzah holds up her uniform.

      Tirzah closed our bedroom door and then we proceed to get dressed. I'm excited to start working, but the only thing on my mind is Priscilla's tattoo—my mom had the exact same one on her wrist too. I wonder what it means because that image is too unique to just be a coincidence.


      After we meet up with Priscilla in the hall, she shows us the different wings of the castle and where we can find our cleaning supplies. Following her to the north wing, Priscilla stops abruptly in front of the largest door on the hall.

"This is the north wing. The guards sleep here." She begins.

      She reaches her hand out to jiggle the handle of the large door in front of us.

"This room here, is the armory. There are only three keys to the armory. The King has one, and Oliver and I have a copy. The doors to the armory are to be locked at all times, unless otherwise instructed by King Eron himself. Any unauthorized persons found in them armory will be kicked out of the castle and banned from Sector One." She explains.

      Priscilla gives us both a do I make myself clear kind of look, and Tirzah and I quickly nod our heads in agreement. As we follow her back to the main hall, I look back at the armory doors, with curiosity burning behind my eyes.

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