★ 1| getting started ★

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first chapter, kinda scared, sorry if it doesnt turn out right. :/



August (present)

you wake up to the sound of your mother yelling your name. "AKEMI!" she sounded angry... like always. you sigh and get out of bed. "coming!" before walking out of your room you change into your flower kimono.

you walk downstairs while saying good morning to your siblings. Hashiru, being the hyper little boy he is, waves energetically towards you. so you copy his energy and wave back with a goofy smile on your face.

you turn the corner to find your mom angrily standing by the entrance with a broom and dustpan. you knew exactly what she was going to say. "yes mom?" you question with a kind smile on your face, hoping she would cut you some slack.

"the house wont clean itself!" she snapped at you. you could see the fire raging in her eyes, she looked like satin itself.

even then, you kept your cool, like you have been for the past... your whole life, and held your hand out for her to hand you the broom. she handed you the broom and dustpan while you just smiled and took it. you had an impulsive thought to throw the dustpan at her head, but just pushed it aside and ignored it. 

you walked back and started to sweep the floors to get the dirt off the wooden flooring. 'i dont even get to eat first?' you thought to yourself, sighing. 

"Aki...?" Himiko called for you. your ears perked up and you turned around to see Himiko standing behind you with a sad look on her face.

"yeah Himiko? you need something?" you crouched down to get to her eye level. she was only 4 years old, it was cute how she shortened your name. she brought her hands up, showing she wanted to be picked up. you smiled, placing the broom against the wall so you could pick her up.

"sissy, i want toy, but mama say no." she pouted, looking as if shes about to cry.

you felt bad, but also understood why mom said no. "well, how about after i finish cleaning we can go to the town and get you a toy." you smiled.

her face brightened up, any sign of sadness being erased without a trace. "can sissy and brobro come too?" you knew who she meant when she said sissy and brobro when she wasnt talking about you.

"we would have to ask mom, ok? she may not be happy with you, sissy and brobro leaving the house with me." you kept a smile, staying as honest with Himiko as you could. 

"ok! im okay with dat!" she nodded with a cute grin. 

"alright, give me 20 minutes to finish cleaning then we can ask mom." you set her back down on the wooden flooring.

"alright! thanks sissy!" she turned around and did her little toddler run towards her brother and sister. you smiled and went back to cleaning.


about 20 minutes later


after you finished cleaning you went over to mom with a smile, hoping she would let you and your siblings out of the house for an hour or two.

"hey mom? can Himiko, Hashiru and Yamiko go out to the town with me today? i want to get them some toys." you rarely asked for anything from your mom, so you hoped she would accept.

she looked at you, as if the answer was obvious. "no! you still have to do the dishes, take out the trash, polish the bathroom floors, do the laundry and feed the fish." she angrily pointed at the fish.

you nodded, still not giving up to hand out with your siblings. "i know, but i just want and hour or two for my siblings, mom. please? i wont ask for anything else this week!" you put your hands together as if begging to go to town with your younger siblings.

she looked you up and down. "i said no." she shook her head slightly while saying that. 

you couldnt believe her. you decided to ask one last time. "please mom! ill do all the chores you want me to do! please? if not for me, for Himiko." you begged, not wanting to let Himiko down. "ill use my own money!" you tried to make up more reasons why she would want to let you go to town with your siblings.

it took her a minute or two to think about her final decision.

"please?" you asked one last time.

"only this once." she glared at you. the, 'if not for me, for Himiko,' must have gotten her to change her decision.

you nod and smile. "thank you mom, i wont ask for anything else." after that, you turn around and walk to the living room where your siblings were hanging out together. "Himiko, Hashiru, Yamiko! get dressed, we are going to town!"

all of them look at you and smile. the squeal and run to their rooms to get dressed. you knew they would be happy. just then, your stomach growls. 'ill just get food in town,' you thought. 


about five minutes later


"are you guys ready?" you ask while knocking on their door. they all shared a room since they were close in age and got along perfectly. 

"yeah!" they all responded with their cute voices as Hashiru opens the door with a huge, silly smile. 

you look more into the room and see Yamiko helping Himiko put her socks on. a wholesome sight. "alright, we can leave then!" you said while smiling gently. you walk towards the front entrance, thinking they were following you. 

"get your shoes on!" you sat down on the ground and grabbed your sandals, putting them on right after. Hashiru followed you while Yamiko was still helping Himiko with her socks, then they came running out to get their sandals on as well. once they had their sandals on, you opened the door. they were looking very happy, especially Himiko.



im very surprised with how that chapter turned out. it was genuinely better then i intended it to be. thanks for everyone that has made it this far. put a smiley face if you made it through this 1000 word chapter!! <33

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