★ 3| a drastic change in events ★

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going to doing the more interesting parts in this chapter, hope-HOPE.




you sighed and headed to the kitchen to do the dishes after taking off your sandals. "alright! coming." you arrive in the kitchen to see a mountain of dishes stacked in the sink. (your father is at work in this moment) you sighed once again and turn the knob to get access to the sink water. you start scrubbing the dishes.

after about 15 minutes (2pm) spent doing the dishes you got a list handed to you. "have all these chores done by 7 tonight." then she walks away to head to her room for some unknown reason.

you look over the list and sigh, finding yourself stuck with multiple chores to do. you start off with the easy tasks, like taking out the trash, cleaning the litterbox, etc. then making your way to the more challenging tasks. 


many chores and hours later


its now 5:42 and you still have a lot of chores to do. "how did mom even think of these many chores for you to do?" you thought to yourself.

mom came to you and started speaking with an annoyed look. "Akemi, change in plans. im taking your siblings out in 2 hours with or without you, depending on your chore situation." she mumbled something else under her breath but you couldnt hear her.

"oh, okay i should have them done by then." you nod and smile, getting back to doing your chores. '2 hours? all of these chores? am i crazy? there is no way i am getting these chores done by then.' you thought to yourself with a frown. 

two hours came flying out of nowhere. you were surprised by how many chores were still left to do, even after spending almost 6 hours. how could your mom make so many god-damn chores in one hour of think time?

"Akemi, we are leaving now since you dont have your chores done." your mother looks you up and down then scoffs. "what a disappointment." she mumbled under her breath, just loud enough for you to hear.

"oh... okay, ill see you in an hour or two. stay safe and have fun." you smiled, hoping Himiko, Hashiru, and Yamiko heard you. 

"i wish you could come sissy!" Hashiru flashed his goofy smile. "maybe next time!" he cheers you and himself up. 

"yeah, next time, kiddo!" you smiled back and waved bye to your siblings. they waved back and walked out the front door, going to the town where the restaurant was going to be. as they walked to the car and got in your smile faded. holding back tears, you continued to do your chores so mom wouldnt be upset when she came home.

after 40 minutes (7:40pm) you finished your chores. you pouted and sighed, heading to your room. you walked in and closed the door behind you. you laid down on your bed and looked up at the ceiling, daydreaming. after some time your eyes got heavy and you started to doze off, falling into a deep slumber. 




after a great sleep you woke up to...silence. that was unusual. you got up, not realizing that you had slept in your casual clothes. after walking to your siblings room you knock on their door. "Himiko, Yamiko, Hashiru, you in there?" after no response you knock again, and again, until it was your fifth time knocking you opened the door and walked in. your siblings werent in their room. a rush of concern, wonder, worry, panic, and adrenaline come. you rush to your parents room and knock on their door. after no response you frantically open the door to see no one lying in their bed. the bed was made as well, meaning they didnt sleep in their bed that night. you go to the kitchen and see nobody there. you start searching the house, finding nobody anywhere you look. your stomach growled, begging for food, but you ignored it. your family was more important than food. your eyes were now watering and hurting. you were worried that something bad happened to your family. you rush to the front door and quickly put your sandals on, noticing no other sandals by the door, proving they didnt come home last night. 

you rush to town finding the town destroyed. blood, bodies, broken windows, collapsed buildings were the only things in sight. 'demons' you thought. tears were now streaming down your face. the thought of your siblings being killed or eaten by demons made your blood boil and your heart sob, you felt sick to your stomach. 

"HIMIKO! HASHIRU! YAMIKO!" you yell while searching the town, your eyes hurting, and your heart pounding. 'someone! someone answer me! please!' you were hyperventilating. "YAMIKO! PLEASE! SOMEONE!" you continued yelling, hoping for any kind of response. 

after 20 minutes of searching you collapsed, exhausted and devastated. 'wheres Himiko? wheres Yamiko? wheres Hashiru? wheres mom? wheres dad? who did this? what happened?' you asked yourself repeatedly. you were still hyperventilating and crying your eyeballs out. "HASHIRU! HIMIKO! YAMIKO!" you screamed, not believing this, thinking it was all just a horrible dream. you sat back up trying to steady your breathing to look further for your siblings. (7am) you could only find people, that were now corpses, inside collapsed buildings or on the street. you turned the corner and saw the restaurant that your family went to last night. you were shocked and in horror when you saw the roof had caved in. you ran to the building and screamed when you saw Yamiko hugging Himiko and Hashiru in attempt to protect them from someone or something. 

"NOO! YAMIKO, HIMIKO, HASHIRU!! NO, NO, NO!" you ran to them and slid on your knees. blood was all over them. you shook them, hoping they were pranking you, but they didnt flinch or move in response. you put your hand on their neck to check their pulse and breathing. nothing. you screamed again. everything was blurry now from your tears and the amount of agony you were feeling physically and mentally. you were seeing stars and your body was trembling. you kept shaking them while repeating "no," you wouldnt let yourself believe this nightmare. "wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!" you slapped your cheeks to wake yourself up from this horrible dream. you screamed again, but this time you didnt stop until your throat throbbed. you couldnt see anything or hear anything, due to your tears and screams. 

suddenly, the world went black. you blacked out right there and then. 



this was a very quick chapter, released the same day as chapter 2! im happy with how this turned out, even though i cringed reading it over again. i did my best and its turning out alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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