Chapter 7*

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When Wanda gets up the next morning, I stir awake from the movement and lure her back into bed for ten more minutes of cuddles. But then she really has to get up and gives me a kiss on the cheek, telling me we'll see each other at breakfast again.
I stay in bed a little longer before getting up and taking a shower. When I walk downstairs, I can already smell the breakfast and jump off the last step.

Wanda is already busy in the kitchen and to my surprise is making breakfast for all of us. I'm used to making my own breakfast but this is pretty nice too. My dad is also in the kitchen, so I can't go up to Wanda and give her a kiss. Instead, I smile at her and then turn to my dad.

"Good morning." I greet him and give him a hug. He hugs me back and kisses the top of my head.

"Someone's in a good mood. Did you have a good nights sleep?" He asks and ruffles my hair. I roll my eyes because I'm too old for him to do this but don't comment on in. Instead I sit down at the table and glance towards Wanda who grins to herself.

"I did, yeah." I answer and take my cup of coffee to hide my face behind, or rather the blushing of my cheeks.

The coffee is perfect, just like I like it, so I know Wanda must have made it for me.
Dad sits down opposite of me while Wanda plates the breakfast. Then she sits down next to me. Dad doesn't question it and instead unfolds the morning paper to read it. He might be a young father but that doesn't keep him from doing typical dad stuff. He always takes up all the space on his side when he spreads the paper like this so it's normal that Wanda sits next to me.
She takes a sip of her coffee before starting on breakfast. I take a bite too and moan at how good this is.

"This is amazing, Wanda." I praise and let my eyes roll back to emphasize my words. Food always tastes better when someone else made it for you.
It's the same with an orgasm, it's just better when you don't have to do it yourself.

Wanda side eyes me and places a hand on my thigh, which goes unnoticed by my father. But my eyes dart to hers and I swallow my bite. This gives me flashbacks to last night, which I should not be thinking about during breakfast.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Wanda replies and gives my thigh a little squeeze. I smile at her, trying to hide the little sigh that wants to spill over my lips.
Dad nods in agreement with me before going back to reading his paper. We eat mainly in silence but I never forget about Wanda's hand on my thigh.

"I got another business trip coming up in a week." Dad announces once he's finished. I just nod and drink the last bit of my coffee. But Wanda raises an eyebrow. Her soft expression changes into something harder.

"Again? You just came back from one and have been working a lot ever since." She points out, sounding clearly annoyed. I want to tell her it's okay because it means we get to spend more time together but bite my tongue. Despite our new bond, she still loves my dad and wants to spend time with him so it's natural that she is upset about him being away again.

"I'm sorry, honey, but I have to go." He explains and gets up to put his plate away. Wanda huffs and takes her hand off my thigh to cross her arms. I look between them, sensing the atmosphere changing and charging up.

"Do you really? Can't someone else go? Can't you tell them you have a daughter and girlfriend at home who want to see you for longer than three weeks?" Wanda asks annoyed.

I press my lips together, hating her words. We might not have talked about what we are but I certainly don't want her to be called my dad's girlfriend. But that's a whole other thing and nothing that fits into the current conversation, or any conversation with my dad.

"You know how much I enjoys these trips." He defends himself and crosses his arms now too. I shift uncomfortably on my chair and get up. This doesn't sound like a conversation I need to witness. Wanda's eyes follow me before snapping back to my dad.

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