3- Boy Who Cried Wolf

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"Aly! Hello, this is Gabriel, remember?"

Alex did in fact remember the enthusiastic voice coming from the other end of the line. He smiled as he impulsively straightened himself on his chair "Gabriel, of course I remember. What's up?"

"Well I was wondering when you could be able to make this suit for me. I was serious, you know." Gabriel said. Alex's eyes lit up

"Oh, that's great. Well I don't have anything I'm working on right now so... when are you free?"



Soon, Gabriel arrived at the shop. He looked around a bit. Alex couldn't help but note that the tip of his nose was crunched, a sign of disgust. But he didn't think too much on it.

"I imagined you having a bigger shop." He simply commented

"My business isn't that big yet" Alex said. He felt embarrassed, but somehow he could feel he wasn't going to be in this place for long. He wanted to move to a more popular area and a bigger shop. Using his parents' money, and maybe a bit of what he earned.

"We'll grow it then." Gabriel said with a smile "-now what can you do?"

"I can do whatever you want me to do."

Of course, Alex meant that in a 'suit tailoring' sense, but he deliberately put a certain suggestive tone in his words that only someone who is very good at reading people would be able to recognize. Luckily for him; sucking dick wasn't the only reason Gabriel was so high up in the company.

"Alright, I'll tell you what I want then"

There was Alex's sign, that same suggestive tone he used was being used on him as well. He couldn't help a slight smirk.


After discussing the suit's properties for a while, it was time for Alex to measure the man's body.

"Should I take off my shirt?" Gabriel asked. There was that tone again. Alex shrugged "Hm, if you want"

That wasn't necessary at all. But both of them knew they didn't care about what was necessary and what was not.

So Gabriel did end up taking his shirt off. Alex took the soft measuring tape and stopped to take a good look at the man's body. He had toned abs and tanlines on his arms. His body was covered in moles. Alex had already noted the two moles on each of his cheeks, but his body was COVERED with them. Thinking about that, he ended up staring longer than he'd planned.

Gabriel chuckled "you're eyefucking me Alex."

"And you're acting like you don't like it" Alex nonchalantly replied as he wrapped the tape around one of the man's upper arms. His shoulders were broad. He took the tape off and noted down the measurement as Gabriel spoke

"So, you ever been with a man?"

Alex smirked at the question "yes, but it's been a while"

"Oh dang, I would've wanted to be your first." The man cheekily said.

"Hm, I don't think I'd want my first time to be with someone I barely know. You're lucky I'm giving you a chance to begin with."

The men already had an unspoken agreement to have sex today, of course. It was that way even the first time they met. It was an instant state of attraction. It wasn't attachment or anything of the sort.

Pure lust.

It really had been a while since Alex had slept with a man. His previous relationship was with a woman which had lasted a good few years before it ended, and he hadn't been seeing anyone since the breakup.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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